Chapter 53: Before

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A/N - Hey guuuys! Yes. I know, I know... This chapter was supposed to come out ages ago but I've been busy with things in my life so this had to be postponed. In fact, this may be the last chapter you guys get for a pretty long time (maybe a few months?) Just cause of how things have been going for me. Again, that may not be the case, but I'm pretty sure chapters will be coming in super slowly now.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Please remember to comment and vote! Thanks.


Chapter 53: Before

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Naruto asked Nia as he was helping sitting her up on the grass outside a small village's gates.

Nia took a few deep breaths in.

"My head is killing me and my stomach hurts," She replied.

"See? This is why Granny shouldn't have sent you on this mission," Naruto freaked out. "Not only are you in danger, but you're fatigued too. You shouldn't be here right now."

"I just need you to hold me right now, Naruto. That would help me lots..." The girl tugged on his jacket.

Naruto wrapped his arms around her.

"You're going to be okay, sweetheart. Do you think you can make it into the village?"

The girl nodded. "Yes, but I feel nauseous."

Naruto placed her arm over his shoulder then wrapped his arm around her waist to help her stand.

"Maybe you're getting ready to have my baby and you're experiencing morning sickness," The blond thought. "In that case, we really need to have you see a medic and get you some rest, ya know."

"Naruto, don't say that. That scares me."

"But you agreed to have my baby. You shouldn't be afraid."

"Yeah? Well, I am," Nia expressed. "I'm not ready."

"Sweetie..." Naruto pouted. "Be more excited about having your hero's baby."

"I'm afraid, Naruto..."

The genin embraced her.

"You'll be alright, okay?"

"I know, but-"

"Just keep remembering that I will deliver up on my promise. I'll be at your side..."

"Okay, honeybun."

"Now just take a deep breath for me, okay?"

Nia did just that.

"Now let me hold you for a bit longer before we head into the village."

"Haaah!" Sakura sighed. "You two need to hurry up. The longer we take, the more distance Sasuke will have on us."

"You go ahead of us, Sakura," Naruto suggested. "We'll catch up to you later."

"Well okay. I'll see you soon. Don't take too long," The girl would hop away seconds later.

"I'm sorry. I'm slowing you guys down," Nia would then apologise.

"It's not your fault. You're not feeling well. That's totally out of your control."

Nia turned her head, watching as Sakura was headed toward the village.

There was an ache in her heart as she remembered the days Naruto had strong feelings for her.


Nia sighed, sitting atop a hill with her arms crossing over her legs and chin resting on her knees. A soft wind brushed passed the grass and trees and blew against the girl's hair ever so gently.

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