Chapter 5: The Truth Comes Out

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Chapter 5: The Truth Comes Out

"Hinata... I'm not sure if we should really be doing this," Sakura was talking with Hinata as Team Kakashi and Team Kurenai were taking a small break, "I mean, I know you like him, but... imagine how hurt Nia would be if you were to just suddenly snatch Naruto away..."

The Hyuga lowered her eyes then turned her head to see her crush sitting against a tree shockingly reading a piece of paper.

"I know, but... even though I tried my best to get over Naruto... I just... can't. I... really care for him, Sakura. I wanna be his girlfriend."

"But Naruto's already dating Nia, Hinata. You just... took too long to talk to him. It only makes sense another girl would end up winning him over..."

Hearing this, the Hyuga felt her heart drop; Her eyes began to water.

"Listen... I understand how hard this must be for you, but try to see this from Nia's point of view. How would you feel if another woman stole the person you love? Especially someone whom you considered a friend?"

The dark-haired girl didn't say anything. Sakura only sighed though she felt sympathy for Hinata.

"Hinata... Naruto, he uh... he already has... um... You just shouldn't like him. I think you should probably leave him alone at this point... you deserve better."

"Hm? What does... N-Naruto do? Did he say something bad about me?" Hinata made an assumption.

The pink-haired kunoichi shook her head, "No, of course not. Who would ever talk badly about you, Hinata? It's just... he and Nia... they, you know... have immense fun together... LOTS of fun."

"Why are you saying it like that, Sakura? You just mean they have a lot of fun when they go on... dates, right?"

"Well, that too, but..." Sakura hesitated, "Hinata, just please take my advice. You're too good for Naruto. Leave him to Nia. You're beautiful. A guy will come your way without you trying. Trust me, Naruto's a bit of a perv anyway and I don't think someone as shy as you would be able to handle that. You're too innocent for him."


"We're only like eighteen. You have plenty of time to find someone else. Don't worry, you'll get somebody. Maybe for the time being, you should focus more on proving to your father that you're more than capable of leading the Hyuga clan until that special someone comes along?"

This frustrated the Hyuga, "I just can't, Sakura... I love-"

"Naruto has sex with Nia all the time, Hinata." Sakura just couldn't hold back her words any longer, "The idiot is always talking about it when she's not around. Everyone except for you knows they do it. Just a few months ago, they even had a pregnancy scare cause Naruto just kept being so stubborn about wearing protection. Even just today, he was telling me how he slept with her in the morning and yesterday afternoon in the woods. Hinata... he's also planning on asking her to live with him. I really didn't wanna tell you this, but as your friend, I'll tell you what you need to know. I really believe you should move on from that knucklehead."

Suddenly, having heard this, Hinata slowly raised to her feet, her bangs formed a dark shadow over her eyes. A tear rolled down her cheek and dripped from her chin while she bit her wobbly lower lip in a failed attempt to keep the agony within her heart in check.

In an effort to comfort her distressed friend, Sakura stood also and placed her hand on Hinata's shoulder, only for Hinata to softly brush it off, turn around, and jump away—tears falling from her eyes as she did so.

Feeling remorseful of what she revealed to the kunoichi, Sakura rested a hand on her heart and watched as the distance grew between her and the Hyuga.

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