Future Of This Fanfic... The End of This Fanfic? (IMPORTANT)

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Hey guys, so ya, I'll be honest... I've been thinking about maybe ending this book. I'm being dead serious.

I don't know what it is, but it's like I let this story drag on and on and on. I've been writing this since 2015 and this may be a time where I either put this story on hold or just end it completely like I did my Gohan story.

There's just some other things I may need to focus on, like my story on my other account.

The other thing is that I've noticed how little reads I get on here as compared to the reads I'd get just last year. Like do y'all still read this? 😂

Idk, lately the reads and comments have gone down drastically and that's making me wonder even more if I should just move on from this fanfic. It's not in it's glory days anymore 😭

I'm not sure what happened. Idk if I took too long to update, if y'all too busy with your time, if the story got boring to y'all or what.

I've been adding some new material on my first book and no one seems to read them, or know about it. I'm just trying to understand if there's something y'all want me to do to get you guys to show the love you did last year lol. It seems like a lot of you just turned into silent readers or maybe, god forbid, y'all stopped reading.

I miss interacting with a lot of you. It was so fun reading you guys' comments and getting back to you on those back then. Now it seems like no one wants to comment anymore except for a small few.

I miss y'all 😭 lol, seriously though. You guys were hilarious in the comment section and I loved how there were inside jokes within there or when some of us would be typing lyrics and finishing lines for a song lmao. It seems like the only time people wanna read are lemon chapters 😑.

Like I get that they're hilarious to read, but those aren't the main focus of the fanfiction y'all. And I know I joke around too much with that, but still.

I'm just trying to figure out what's going on and what y'all would like for me to do in order for y'all to be invested in the story like you once did.

Did the story get boring? Am I not updating as fast as you'd like me to? Are you too busy with your life?

Anyway, just in general, I would love to talk to you all again.

Here, if you still read this story, comment below. (I just wanna see how many people are actively reading this far into the story for the sequel)

If you're a silent reader, now's the Time to actually say something cause I might have to drop the story for real if no one ain't reading lol.
I REALLY would like to continue the story, but if barely anyone reads then it kinda discourages me from making anymore chapters.

Like I said, leave a comment below if you still read this ⬇️ and if you have something important to tell me before I make my decision, don't hold your tongue in, let me know right now please.

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