Chapter 49: Heartbreak Part Two

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A/N - Hi guys! Time for a new chapter ❤️ This is about 5,000 words so I would greatly appreciate if you could comment and vote. Have a fun time reading ❤️❤️


Chapter 49: Heartbreak Part Two

Naruto thought he was ready.

How wrong he had been.

The words sank into his heart with the violence of a piercing spear, as the joyful, beaming face of his master filled his mind, contrasting terribly with the abominable words, making them surreal, nightmarish.

"Jiraiya has died in battle."

His great, thunderous laughter, filled his ears as ghostly echoes of yet another happy moment they had shared together, his booming voice and his eternal love for life itself. Jiraiya didn't belong to death. His entire being was so full of an extraordinary life that death couldn't lay her hands upon him. Naruto had never, ever thought of the day Jiraiya would die because something deep in his heart always told him that Jiraiya just couldn't possibly die.

"Jiraiya has died in battle."

His enormous heart which had covered him with love and affection, which had accepted him as though he had been his own grandson, that heart which had been so proud of him, always... Naruto couldn't believe that that heart had actually stopped beating. He couldn't believe that that strong, brave and bottomless heart was now laying still somewhere, in the abyss of some cold and dark place. He couldn't believe that heart who had carried him for so many years was now silent and closed.

"Jiraiya has died in battle."

The memories of the beautiful, crazy, booming aura, like an enormous sun shining forever, warming the coldest parts of this difficult, sad world, filled Naruto's heart again, and the blonde-haired boy clung desperately to them...Yet they were already drifting through his fingers like sand flowing in the wind, carried away by the absurd, unacceptable reality.

He would never experience all that again.

Because Jiraiya fell.

"No..." He breathed, closing his eyes, clutching his heart as though it was going to implode right within his chest.

He felt nauseous. Like as if his brain was absolutely refusing to absorb and accept the signals Naruto's ears were sending.


Tears were threatening to come right up to his eyes, but he swallowed them.

No. It just cannot be. No...Not Jiraiya...Not yet. Please.

As Naruto was desperately fighting with himself, refusing to accept the horrible truth, Iruka and Nia were observing him carefully as he walked throughout the village at night. Their heart broke at the sight of the immense, incredible despair that suddenly filled his eyes. They had never, ever seen such a torment into the beautiful, cerulean eyes, and they knew that from now on, Naruto would never be the same anymore.

Naruto having sat on a bench, Nia and Iruka watched from behind a bush as tears brimmed his eyelashes while he held an orange popsicle in hand.

A teensy ounce of juice slid to the very edge of the popsicle and dripped to the ground.

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