Chapter 48: Heartbreak

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A/N - Hey y'all :) I know, I'm extra early with this but I decided to spoil y'all with an extra chapter for the week. So please consider commenting and voting and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 48: Heartbreak

"I can't Sakura," Naruto groaned as his team was nearing Konoha's village gates. "Thinking about her makes all the stress go away."

"There's gotta be some other way to combat your stress about Sasuke, Naruto."

"Well... there's ramen."

"That's unhealthy."

"Then, I don't know," The genin slumped his shoulders. "When I think of Nia, it gives me a break from stressing over Sasuke and what I can do to bring him back. She makes me feel good. I feel strong and manly around her."

"Yeah, but you're obsessing over her and I don't think that's good for you."

"But I love herrr."

"Naruto, you're just rushing to get back home so you can pound Nia. There's honestly nothing new." Sai commented.

Naruto growled and glared at his teammate. "Sai, don't even start with me right now. I wanna get back home so quickly cause I miss her and cause she helps take my mind off things."

He then lowered his eyes.

"A lot of things..." He mouthed as he pictured Sasuke in his mind.

"Well looks like she missed you too cause she's standing right at the entrance gates," Yamato exclaimed as he pointed at the young girl

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"Well looks like she missed you too cause she's standing right at the entrance gates," Yamato exclaimed as he pointed at the young girl.

"Nia!" Naruto gasped and immediately ran over to her, embracing her in his arms. "Nia, finally! Your hero has returned. He really missed you. How have you been?"

He received no answer as the girl hardly held onto him.

"Nia?" He somewhat pulled away from her only to see her tear-stained face. "GYAH! NIA, HAVE YOU BEEN CRYING?!"

The girl only responded by snuggling back into the hug and crying onto the genin's shoulder.

"Nia, what's wrong?!" He grabbed her by the shoulder and slightly pushed her off him so that she stared him in the eyes. "Why're you crying?! Did someone call you ugly and hurt your feelings?! Tell me who it was so I can beat them into next week and mop the floor with 'em! No one makes you cry and gets away with it!"

"J-Jiraiya sensei," She whimpered then sniffled as the tears kept raining down her face. "Jiraiya-sensei, he's-"

"Pervy Sage was the one who called you ugly?! Oh, I should've known he'd hurt your feelings sooner or later. After all, a woman's beauty is all he cares about," The blond wrapped his arms around the girl. "Not even he's allowed to get away with hurting your feelings! I'll go give that old perv a piece of my min-"

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