Chapter 52: Rest

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A/N - Hey you guys, it's Naruto's birthday 🎉🎉🎉🎉🍜🍜🍜 to celebrate it, I'm bringing y'all this chapter! It's pretty short but it's a chapter nonetheless. Please comment and vote and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 52: Rest

"Nia," Naruto lightly shook the girl as she was asleep next to him. "Nia."

"B-Baby," The girl yawned and fluttered her eyes open, looking over her shoulder. "It's late... Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"I can't," He brought her closer to himself as an arm rested over her side. "I'm too scared."

"Of what?"

"What if I go to sleep and the Akatsuki finds us and attacks you?"

Nia softly sighed and turned around.

"Baby, you need to rest. I'll be just fine."

"Nia..." The genin whimpered.

"Naruto, your eyes are red. You need sleep. Quit keeping yourself up all night."

The blond stroked her cheek.

"I just can't let you get hurt. I wouldn't be able to handle it."

"Oh Honeybun," Nia blushed and moved closer to him, resting her head and hands at his chest while he wrapped his arms around her.

"Ugh, you two are so annoying. Quit talking and go to sleep already," Sakura said groggily as she laid some feet away from them by the fire they made. "We're going to be needing all our strength in case we encounter Sasuke today later on. Get all the rest you can now so you're not slowing me down later."

"You know, she's right, Naruto. You don't wanna face Sasuke exhausted, do you?" Nia said.

Naruto shook his head. "No, of course not."

"Then let's get some rest, okay?"

The genin pouted.

"Let's talk for a bit, sweetie..."

"About what? Sakura's trying to sleep. We're being loud."

"Then let's lay over there," Naruto pointed some yards behind them.

"Baby, I'm really trying to get some sleep."

"Please sweetie, let's just move over there."

"All right, all right. Fine..." Nia said, sitting up and wiping her eye.

A minute later, her and Naruto would lay down at their new spot, away from Sakura and facing one another.

"What did you wanna talk about?" The girl asked as Naruto ran a finger down her cheek.

"You... wouldn't lie to me, would ya?"

"About what?"

"Anything," The ninja replied.

"I wouldn't lie to you about anything," Nia said.

"Nia, look at me. Would you?"

"Of course not, Naruto. I could never look at that handsome face of yours and lie straight to it."

"You said you'd have my baby, but there's just something I need to get off my chest before I keep trying to get you pregnant."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Akihiko..." He breathed. "Tell me the truth: did you like him at any point in time?"

"Akihiko?" The girl blinked a few times. "No... I never liked him before."

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