Chapter 6: Starved For Love

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Chapter 6: Starved For Love

"Okay Jiraiya-sensei, I understand," Nia stood at the village gates and waved as she was now headed on her solo mission, "I'll be careful, I promise. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, and don't forget that conversation we had. I'm trusting you'll do the right thing and try to hide yourself if you spot any Akatsuki member or anything, kay?" The sannin reminded her as she nodded.

When she did leave, her mind immediately began to wander. She thought about her role as this supposed, "Guardian", why she needed to keep her profile low. She also thought about the group that left sometime before her. Had they found Itachi? Had they maybe even found Sasuke? Were they okay?

Hah, I need to hurry with this mission and come back before Naruto gets back before me and completely flips out about how I went on another solo mission. I'd never be able to hear the end of it...

Watching as some squirrels seemed to be fighting not too far from her, Nia sweatdropped as she thought about a event from over a year ago.

Geez, we used to fight all the time too... it could be over small things or really big things... but, now that I think about it... I still remember that time I practically almost left him. That was one of the biggest fights we ever had! It happened back when we were with Jiraiya-sensei though sometime before we were gonna get to Konoha.


"Curly Brow, there's always something wrong with you and I'm so sick of it! I'm tired of having to deal with you!" Naruto yelled in annoyance as he and Nia were in a room at an inn, "It's not my fault everyone sees you the way they do! Grow some thick skin and deal with the way you look! It's so annoying having to listen to your negativity! You're always crying and I don't like having to be around you when you do that all the time! Like you might as well just leave at this point cause you're too overbearing for me! Be sad somewhere else, ya know! Give me a break!"

Suddenly, Nia's heart broke into tiny little pieces and when it did, she unzipped her bag and began stuffing the clothes she hanged in the closet into her bag aggressively. To others, it would be seen as if she was beating the bag to death.

"What're you doing?" The genin noticed this.

Nia zipped her bag and stood, "You told me you're sick of listening to my concerns, you have no desire to comfort me, I irritate you, and you practically don't care about me so I've packed my bag and I'm leaving, Naruto!"

"Hold on, you can't just leave!" The blonde got up and ran to the door, completely blocking it.

"Move." Nia attempted to get pass him but with no luck.

"No, I can't do that."

"Didn't you just tell me to be sad somewhere else and to give you a break?!"

"Sure, but I didn't think you would really try to leave me, Curly Brow. Here why don't I just hold you and we can let go of this argument?"

The kunoichi furrowed her eyebrows, "You think a simple hug from you would make me forgive you of everything you said just now?"

Naruto winked and held his arms out for her, "Isn't that always how it goes? We argue, you get angry or upset, I say sorry, offer you a hug, and you come running straight in my arms, and everything is all better between us, ya know?"

"You wish it was that easy after what you just said, don't you?!"

"It is that eas- GUAH!" Naruto was interrupted with a hard slap from Nia.

Immediately, he stumbled to his knees with one hand holding the wall to balance himself and the other hand rubbing his cheek as a throbbing red print of Nia's hand covered the left side of his face.

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