Chapter 23: A Foolish Heart

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A/N - DANG IT I'M LATE LOL! Oh well, I am FINALLY finished with this! This chapter was so complicated and I had to think really hard about it, but it's done and I like the end result.

I have put in the extra effort into this chapter since I've noticed I haven't been putting any gifs or pics lately. My cringey ass has LITTERED this chapter with gifs to make the story feel more intriguing I guess lol.

I would really appreciate the comments and votes cause I really did take forever thinking all this up and repeatedly had to change some scenes, take out some for next chapter, and so on and so forth.

Oh and... this chapter is pretty dark in some areas 💀

So yep! Please consider commenting and voting and enjoy ❤️


Chapter 23: A Foolish Heart

"Hinata, you see anything?" Naruto stood atop a boulder, looking down at the Hyuga who was using her byakugan to scout the area.

Despite her best efforts, there was just no sign of the missing Nia.

Returning her eyes to normal, Hinata then closed them in disappointment and shook her head.

Seeing this, the blonde lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fist.

"I just... can't stand it," He made a low growl. "How could I have let this happen?"

I swear... it's like it's always my fault why Nia keeps getting into danger. First, that time we got trapped in that cave and I transformed and ended up hurting her badly. Second, when I let that Fuyuka chick take her from me right after our first date then attacked Nia for a second time while being controlled. Third, when she literally died just to save me and just so on and so forth!

"It doesn't matter to me that you're a jinchuuriki... and I understand that me sticking around you can put me in serious danger, but... even so... I'm willing to risk all that, if... it means I can stay with you, Naruto...' He remembered hearing what the girl once said to him.

'But why...?' He still couldn't understand as he clenched his fists. 'Why stay by me when... I can never seem to protect you?! I'm always the reason you're never safe... why you end up hurt... What good am I? Someone striving to be Hokage should always be able to save those most important to them... especially the one they're in love with!"

Hinata lowered her eyes as she observed her crush dwell in frustration. She wanted to comfort him, but she didn't know exactly what to say.

Naruto only continued to beat himself up.

How can I allow her to call me her hero when I couldn't even keep her from getting abducted by the damn Akatsuki?!

"Rrrgh... DAMMIT!" The genin could no longer keep his thoughts to himself. "DON'T YOU WORRY ONE BIT, NIA! I SWEAR I'M GONNA FIND YOU! I PROMISE TO PROTECT YOU WITH MY LIFE, YA KNOOOOW!"

His words echoed throughout the Hyuga's mind. In a way... though she didn't wish any harm on Nia, deep down she didn't want the girl to be found. It was horrible and she hated how evil it made her feel, but there was no denying that she wanted the kunoichi to have no part in the Leaf Village. No... that wasn't it. The truth was that she wanted Nia to have no part with Naruto any longer.

She watched as the frustration of the girl's abduction was having a pounding toll on her crush. For hours upon hours, they had been looking for her with no luck at all. Over and over, she had to listen to how he'd declare his feelings for someone that wasn't her. It made her feel sick to her stomach.

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