Chapter 89

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Felix carefully peeked inside the house through a window, seeing everyone from their guild talking about something. He and Vellanja had seen how Mest dragged someone away from the house and they didn't know who that man was. They had no idea what was going on inside since no one told them anything.

"Adults are so annoying", Vellanja frowned, peeking inside next to Felix. "They never tell us anything."

"Yeah", Felix nodded. "They just talk and talk all the time but we're not allowed to hear a thing. Everyone looks so angry."

"Maybe it's because of that guy Mest took away? Maybe he did something bad?" Vellanja suggested, brushing some dark hair away from her face.

"It might be..." Felix nodded and he looked behind them.

Chester was sitting on a bench in the little garden, not really caring what was happening inside and not interested of what was going on. Felix sighed. Chester was really sad because of Roxanne... He didn't show it, but it was obvious.

"I know it's sad because Granny died, but how long is he planning to be like that?" Vellanja asked looking at Chester as well.

"I'm sad too", Felix said. "Don't be rude."

"I'm not rude, I'm sad too", Vellanja assured. "I miss Granny a lot, but dad says it won't help anything if you just sit and mope. We should do something together."

Felix huffed and he looked at Chester. They all missed Roxanne, that was sure. But for Chester she was part of his family and the boy had only just started to get used to the idea of having a family at all, something like this must feel devastating.

Or that was what Freed said when Felix asked why Chester looked so much more pained than they were.

"We should play something", Felix said.

"That's what I just said, stupid", Vellanja said rolling her eyes. "So what are we gonna play?"

"I don't know, maybe we could ask Chester what he wants to do?" Felix suggested.

Vellanja nodded and they walked towards the dark blue haired boy, who didn't seem to care even if they were approaching. He was frowning and obviously chose to ignore them even if they stepped right beside the bench where he was sitting.

"Hi, Chester", Vellanja said, this time surprisingly softly. "We should do something together since adults will take like forever before they're done with all the blabbering. What do you wanna play?"

"I don't want to play", Chester murmured, still not looking at them and he was just frowning to something, even though he wasn't looking at anything specific.

"We could go see the books in Granny's store", Felix said. It was always fun.

"I don't want to, leave me alone."

"We just wanna cheer you up", Vellanja said now annoyed. "It's not wrong."

"I just want to be alone", Chester huffed. "I don't need any company."

"But if you just stay alone, you'll never feel any better."

"It's none of your business."

"We could just do something together out here then?" Felix suggested and he felt nervous, looking from Chester to Vellanja. Chester seemed angry for some reason and Vellanja was short tempered so she would easily get riled up if Chester would ignore her so bluntly.

"Don't want to, go away", Chester almost snarled, now looking at them and his eyes were cold. But Felix noticed he was also shaking.

"You're such a grump! We're trying to be good friends!" Vellanja said angrily.

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