Chapter 91

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The train was moving steadily and even though there was still some time they had to wait, they were heading towards their destination.

"You know, we could have also just send them a message and ask if they could come", Roscoe pointed out as he was sitting next to Bickslow and Chester, who was looking outside the window.

Felix and Theophilius were sitting right in front if him and looking out from the window as well, both being impressed because of the beautiful landscape. It looked even more beautiful since the sun was getting down and the last rays made everything look golden.

"No, with a request like this it's always better to go and ask personally if there is time for that", Freed said, sitting next to Felix and Theophilius and Laxus was just beside him, listening his music.

"Master Bob wouldn't like it one bit if we wouldn't ask him personally if we could have Christina and some of their guild members to help taking care of Naava Town", Evergreen chuckled, sitting next to Roscoe and she was holding a book she had been reading.

"It was fine when they came to help us earlier."

"That was different. They had to act quick then, there was no time for a polite custom like that."

"And even if times are what they are, our request is quite big and it might bring danger to those who go to Naava Town so naturally since we have time, we should show our respect and at least show up personally to ask this from Master Bob", Freed said crossing his arms. "Especially Laxus, since he is the Master of Fairy Tail."

"Technically, Erza is the master right now", Bickslow smirked.

"That's also true, but Erza has other things to do."

Roscoe hummed, thinking about it.

"So this Bob is the master of Blue Pegasus?" he asked and they nodded. "He sounds like a strict and straight mannered man..."

That made them laugh hard leaving Roscoe confused and Felix, Theophilius and Chester looked at them surprised.

"He is... A very interesting person", Freed chuckled. "You might get surprised at first, but you should know that Master Bob never leaves his friends and family in trouble if only he can help it."

"And he's a lot of fun!" Bickslow cackled. "Man, I can't wait to see him again after such a long time!"

"We've missed master Bob!" his 'babies' chirped happily.

"And no matter even if Fairy Tail is always our home, I did enjoy our time in Blue Pegasus", Evergreen sighed with a smile as she closed her book. "What can I say? All that glamour simply fits me", she chuckled swishing her hair with her hand.

"Did you belong to Blue Pegasus, Ever?" Felix asked surprised. "I thought you have always been in Fairy Tail."

"Nah, baby", Bickslow smirked to the boy. "We were all part of Blue Pegasus at one point."

"No way!" Felix gasped and he looked at Laxus and Freed shocked. "But... But it's Fairy Tail! Why did you leave our guild?!" he asked and he felt sad and almost like betrayed. How could Laxus, Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen do that?! Fairy Tail was their most important place in the whole world!

"Calm down, Felix", Laxus huffed taking off his headphones. "It was only temporary since we needed jobs."

"That's right", Freed smiled and Felix was even more confused. "And you have already heard this story before, you just might not remember it. There was once a time when Fairy Tail was disbanded."

"What?!" both Felix and Chester shouted, not believing their ears.

"Now that was unexpected", Theophilius said. "I thought Fairy Tail was an old guild."

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