Chapter 41

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Freed was not sure when he fell asleep. Since Laxus wouldn't let go of him, he couldn't move so eventually he had just fallen asleep as well in his husband's embrace. When he woke up, he grunted slightly when feeling lips against his neck near the mark.

He frowned slightly his brows trying to wake himself up more. When a hand suddenly groped his ass, he opened his eyes and jolted away from Laxus. Or he would have if Laxus wasn't holding him so tightly but at least his hand moved away.

"Laxus", Freed scolded looking at the lightning dragon slayer. "You know that's not allowed."

"It's just been so long since I last time woke up beside you", Laxus grumbled smelling Freed's hair. "I just got a little bit carried away, that's all."

"You shouldn't, it might easily lead us to do something we might regret later."

"Weren't you the one who said we could do at least something?"

"I can't deny that, but the fact is we probably wouldn't be able to hold back if we allow even something to happen. Let go of me, Laxus", Freed commanded trying to wriggle away from Laxus who didn't let go.

"Fine, fine, I won't do anything", the bigger man grunted annoyed. "Just stay there."

"How late is it already? We have to inform others that we are back home", Freed said, trying to see the clock on his nightstand. It was already noon. "Felix must be worried sick and I don't want him to worry more than he already does because of us."

"I already informed them, don't worry", Laxus said. "Geez, it's not like I've gone mad or something, I know I have to tell them that we're okay if I'm the first one to wake up. You would have also done it if you had woken up before me. Don't think I've completely lost my mind."

Freed blinked his eyes looking at Laxus who seemed annoyed.

"I'm... Sorry", the rune mage said slowly, lowering his gaze. "I didn't mean to sound like I'm thinking you're not cabable of making any rational decisions."

"Apology accepted", Laxus said kissing Freed's forehead. "I told them we're gonna explain everything later."

"Good", Freed smiled. "You're a good dragon, Laxus", he smirked patting Laxus' blond hair.

"Shut up, bitch."

Freed just chuckled and leaned his head against Laxus' shoulder, secretly happy that he didn't need to get up yet. He had missed sleeping next to his husband, just the two of them in their own bed. He inhaled that musky scent he couldn't quite describe. Sometimes it was like fresh coffee, sometimes like rain, or something it really reminded him of a storm. There just wasn't any easy way to describe what it was, but he would definitely recognize it anywhere.

What he did know was that even if he didn't want it, that smell made his blood burn hot and his cheeks blushed, but he tried to hide it so Laxus wouldn't notice it. Like that would work, Laxus would smell everything with his sensitive nose, always immediately noticing changes in his scent that told him if he was scared, excited, angry, anxious and such. Or horny, like now.

Freed trembled slightly, shutting his eyes when a hand touched his side gently rubbing it and he knew this was bad. Yet he couldn't help it that it also felt so good when Laxus came closer, kissing his neck and making him gasp because it felt ticklish. This was NOT good! He should shove Laxus away right now before this would go any further.

Suddenly he felt hot breath against his lips and Laxus kissed him, pushing his head against the pillow and he climbed over Freed, supporting himself with his other arm and his other hand slipped under Freed's back, arching it up. Freed silently whimpered, trying to find some rationality from his mind and stop this yet his hands kept caressing Laxus' back. His tongue found its way in Freed's mouth and he let it in without a fight, letting Laxus claim his mouth as he pleased.

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