Chapter 37

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"I can't tell."

"Huh?" Laxus asked confused and annoyed.

They had arrived at the room where Porlyusica was staying at the moment, observing how dragon slayers and their mates acted during the second mating season.

She didn't even bother raising her head and just kept writing something in her book.

"What did you not understand?" she asked annoyed. "I can't tell anything yet."

"What the fuck? What do you mean you can't tell, you old -" Laxus' words were cut when Freed's elbow hit him on his stomach and he looked at the rune mage who didn't care about his glaring.

"We understand, Porlyusica", Freed said instead, looking at Porlyusica. "Forgive us, Laxus is just being more impatient than normally because of the mating season."

"Really? I didn't notice any difference", Porlyusica tisked and Laxus growled. "This situation really is tricky since you're not sure about the time. Even if you two might have felt more attraction towards each other than normally, since it was so early it's not a guarantee that it might yet mean something."

"So it really is a mystery right now... When can you tell how things are?"

"Not at least before the mating season is over", Porlyusica said, finally closing her book and looking at them. "But I'm pretty sure that it will be Laxus who notices it first, because of scent."

"That's true", Freed realised. "Last time, Levy told me that Gajeel had mentioned how she smelled somehow different even before Porlyusica confirmed her pregnancy."

"I remember you smelling funny", Laxus said trying to remember it.

"Funny? That's the word you want to use?" Freed muttered looking at his Thunder God.

"I can't describe it, it's... Like your own scent but softer somehow, maybe a bit sweeter than normally or something like that. It's your scent but still different."

"Well, I can try to see how the situation is after the season is over", Porlyusica huffed. "But I can't guarantee that I can say anything yet even then."

"Thank you, Porlyusica", Freed nodded. "We appreciate it."

"And since you two have decided not to have sex, I will take notes how things go so I can write everything down."

"Is that really necessary?"

"It's really important so we have more information later how dragon slayers behave if their mates are not willing to mate with them. Now get lost", the old healer snapped and they obediently stepped out of the room.

"So now we just have to wait", Laxus grunted as they walked along the hallway. "And not touch each other for two weeks..."

"We can still kiss", Freed chuckled. "And we can still do hand jobs for each other."

"If you get near my dick like that, I'm sure gonna lose my patience and fuck you no matter where we are."

"And I probably wouldn't stop you..." Freed admitted. It was a tough situation. Would they really be able to maintain themselves for almost two weeks?

Laxus stopped suddenly so Freed did the same.

"How about taking a mission?" he suggested. "I can leave, you can stay here. We can't do anything if we can't even see each other."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Laxus", Freed sighed. "It's already clear that if we take distance, it will only make us feel uneasy and I don't want to have to worry you doing a mission when you can't concentrate properly. And you would just constantly worry what's happening here."

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