Chapter 9

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I was bored so here you go, an extra chapter for this week ^^


After everything was alright they returned back inside and Freed looked at Felix, who was sitting beside Laxus at the bar counter. He seemed embarrassed and sorry, so he knew Laxus had already talked with him about this whole taking the sword without a permission thing. So he just sat down with them, not saying a word since this was already a matter that had been discussed through and they could forget it.

Roscoe had returned now too and they all got more coffee, except Felix who had some juice. Slowly one after another their guildmates who weren't hurt appeared in the Guild House and they could start talking about the situation.

"So you did encounter this Ichabod?" Makarov asked looking at the black and blue haired brothers.

"Yes", Roscoe nodded. "We actually found out few things we should have told you sooner."

"What is it?" Laxus grunted.

"There is one more of them, Ichabod said they are something like generals", Roscoe explained. "Only Humphrey and Ichabod were in the Naava Town."

"They are strong if only the two of them caused all that destruction and injures", Makarov huffed.

"They just managed to surprise us", Bickslow snorted. "I'm sure they are not that strong next time when we know what magic they use and what they can do."

"Never let yourself get too overconfident", Freed scolded crossing his arms. "That is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when fighting against someone."

Felix sipped his juice, listening what all the grown ups talked. They knew so much about things... And they didn't sound scared at all.

"So there are only three of them?" Makarov asked. "No one else?"

"No, there's still their leader", Roscoe frowned.

"Yeah, our dad", Bickslow said and they all almost dropped their jaws. "He said we resemble him quite a lot."

"I don't care, I'm not interested of meeting a man who does something like this", Roscoe snarled annoyed. "Ichabod told us this is all so they can start their business."

"What business?" Cana asked confused.

"That he didn't say. Only that me and Bickslow are needed for it since we have magic they need."

"You do? We know Bickslow has soul magic but what magic do you use?" Gray asked as he had returned back to the Guild Hall just moments ago with Juvia and Erza.

"He controls dead bodies", Bickslow smirked and Roscoe sighed. "It was really creepy and really awesome, all those bodies were listening to him like they were just puppets following his orders!"

"That is not natural", Roscoe said stubbornly. "Magic like that should not exist. Those who are dead should be left in peace."

"Sometimes magic can seem confusing", Makarov nodded and they all looked at the old man. "And sometimes if feels like it doesn't fit the person using it at all."

"It is odd to think how someone who respects nature as much as Roscoe would have magic like that", Freed had to agree and Roscoe muttered something.

"Maybe that is the reason. Roscoe might be the right person since he wouldn't use this magic for something evil because he respects nature too much. He only uses it if absolutely necessary and he shows respect to those who are dead", their former master explained while scratching his cheek. "There are lots of different reasons why someone has the kind of magic they have."

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