Chapter 19

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I earlier mentioned that Yukino's hair was white, but that was a mistake, I'm sorry T^T


Ever felt how her eyes were burning because of dryness, but she refused to give up. She had no idea how things turned out like this, but basically they had ended up having a staring contest with Yukino. The light blue haired mage's eyes were twitching and red, but she was just as stubborn about this as the brunette.

"Do you have any idea what we are doing?" Yukino finally asked after a while of silence.

"I only know that I won't lose", Ever said. If only she could have used her eye magic, she could have turned Yukino into a stone statue ages ago!

"Shouldn't we be fighting?"

"Who says we have to fight with just pure power? The one who blinks first is a loser and has to give up!"

"I don't really have anything against that", Yukino chuckled.

Suddenly rune walls hoisted up around them and trapped them inside. They had to break the eye contact with each other and they looked at their right side where a text appeared on the wall:



Yukino Agria


Staring contest

You have 60 seconds to get ready after this trap has appeared.


The one to blink first, loses.

Only winner is allowed to leave this trap,

while the other one has to wait for 10 minutes."

Ever chuckled.

"Should have known Freed would predict something like this might happen", she said.

"How did he knew we would have a staring contest?" Yukino asked amazed. She had heard Freed was a really smart man but would anyone really be able to predict something like this?

"He didn't, he has just made rules that there is possible to have mini games inside this big trap if people against each other decide to compete different ways than just fighting", Ever explained. "Once he used a trap like this in a similar kind of situation and he has obviously noticed this is a good add in this trap."

"Well, at least now we will definitely know who wins", Yukino smiled, looking back at Ever.

"You're right, I'm going to enjoy seeing how you will be left inside this trap", the brunette giggled.

"Don't be too sure yet, Ever!" Yukino smiled. "I have no intentions to lose either!"

Runes flashed green as the sign of the game to start and they started to stare again. First ten seconds were fine, but suddenly Ever felt how slight breeze suddenly hit her eyes and then she felt pain.

"Ow, ow, ow!" she hissed taking off her glasses and wiped her eyes. In the same second runes flashed red and the trap was cut in half and the side where Yukino was standing disappeared. "What! This is unfair! I got something in my eye!" Ever shouted furiously when she noticed the situation.

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