Chapter 18

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Rufus was walking near the cliffs and he was being really careful. If he was completely honest, he really didn't like these kinds of games. Not when he couldn't use his magic to create even mirages or similar.

But he wouldn't let that discourage him. He would never give up just because he couldn't use magic, he was far too proud for that. He was after all stronger than he looked and quite skilled with martial arts. And he was absolutely confident he had a chance against every person from their opponents.

All except one person. He could only hope that he wouldn't happen to encounter Laxus who clearly was still holding a grudge against him. He had even given up seducing Freed right away, but it seemed like the lightning dragon slayer was someone who would not forget some things that easily...

"Attack!" he suddenly heard a shout and it surprised him as he had been so deep in his thoughts despite trying to be careful.

Chester dashed out from the bush and he aimed his elbow right towards Rufus' stomach, making the memory mage groan. Chester smirked as he managed to make Rufus crash down on the ground on his back.

"Pull his hair!" he said to Felix who grabbed the long blond hair. Rufus let out a shout as the smaller boy pulled his golden strands while Chester was stubbornly trying to hold his arms not letting him get up.

But it was true that the memory mage was actually a lot stronger than he looked. After he snapped out of the sudden shock of the sneak attack, Chester was shoved – of course not too roughly – aside on the ground. Felix yelped with surprise as he got pulled up still holding the blond hair, when Rufus got up straightening his red mask.

"Not bad", he chuckled patting his clothes. "But you two really do make me angry."

"Run!" Chester yelled and Felix quickly let go, running after Chester. Rufus chuckled and he followed after them, just slowly enough so they could keep running in an illusion that he wasn't able to catch them.

Felix and Chester both kept running as fast as they could, jumping over the fallen tree trunks and rocks. Their journey was cut short, though. They had been running only a short while when suddenly there was a tall cliff in front of them and just like that they were both trapped without a way to escape.

Quickly they turned around, but Rufus was already there. The mage who had lost his hat because of the Master of Sabertooth looked around and noticed the situation. If he had realised this sooner, he could have pretended he didn't notice where Felix and Chester ran off and could have just gone find someone else.

But this was a game and it wasn't like he had to hurt those two.

"It seems like you boys just have to stay put for a while and wait until you can get free from the runes again", he chuckled stepping closer.

But then he stopped. Felix and Chester both got confused when the long haired mage suddenly looked like he froze completely, face pale like a sheet and he was looking up. They lifted their eyes as well to see what there was.

Pair of burning orange eyes were locked towards the memory mage as the big lightning dragon slayer sat on his heels on the top of the cliff.

"Did I just got lucky or what?" Laxus said and a wide smirk revealed his sharp canine teeth. "This just got ten times more interesting."

Rufus - as he was a wise man – did not waste time but spun around on his heels and escaped the situation immediately. He knew when there was no chance for him to win.

"You're not gonna get away, douchebag!" Laxus roared and he bounced swiftly down from the cliff, running after his escaping prey.

Felix and Chester stayed still for a moment until it was getting silent again.

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