Chapter 71

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The day was bright and the wind was nice, not too strong to cause them any problems as the big ship sailed through the waves. The air was cool and pure and Freed inhaled it deeply, trying to get rid of his nausea. He was doing a lot better than his husband who was leaning against the rail, looking green.

Usually the bond they shared could help Laxus to endure his motion sickness well, but ships sailing on the sea were different case. Laxus couldn't stand ships that were constantly moving because of big waves of the sea. Even without being a dragon slayer, Laxus would definitely get easily seasick.

They had left in the middle of the night and hopped in a train to Hargeon. Once they arrived, they had looked up for a ship and managed to find one right before it would leave when the sun rose. They should arrive at Elenbora somewhere around three or four at the evening if everything went well.

Freed leaned against the railing while looking ahead, seeing nothing but water and sky. He wondered if Felix had woken up already... The boy had not taken it well when he heard he couldn't come with them this time. There had been lots of crying and clinging and Freed could understand Felix's frustration. He wanted to adventure with them and it was really nice, but this was too dangerous for him. Also, this was the first time both Freed and Laxus would be away and they didn't even know how long this trip might take.

Leaving during the night was partly decided so Felix and Chester would be sleeping when they would leave. It made things easier. Of course they would be sad once they would wake up, but it couldn't be helped.

"I feel like I'm dying..." Laxus murmured, barely able to even speak.

"You always say that when we're on a ship", Freed just said. "And just like before, you won't die just because you're feeling nauseous."

"Flying would have been more comfortable."

"Elenbora is too far away and we can't arrive there with our magic. I can't fly anyway since I can't be sure if my magic would fade."

"You could have just stayed at home..."

"Too late for that, Laxus. Try to take deep breaths of fresh air", Freed chuckled and Laxus groaned.

They heard steps and turned around looking at Bickslow and Evergreen. Roscoe followed right after them and the guard was definitely not feeling any better than Laxus.

"Still feeling nauseous?" Evergreen asked from the blond dragon slayer who was sitting on a large coil of robe.

"How does it seem like?" Laxus grumbled annoyed.

"You poor guys", Evergreen chuckled and she looked at Roscoe.

"I'm from the mountains", the man muttered. "I'm not used to ships, we don't need them there", he said and he burped, almost throwing up.

"We'll be in Elenbora soon", Bickslow grinned. "Why did you follow us anyway? You were supposed to stay with others in Magnolia."

"It's our father that is causing all this chaos and destruction, we are responsible to stop his madness", Roscoe said with a frown.

"No, you're not responsible of what he does", Freed said crossing his arms. "He alone is responsible of his doings. But I do understand that you want to stop him from doing even more horrible things."

Roscoe said nothing looking ahead to the sea they were crossing. It would still take hours before they could see the big island where Elenbora was. Once they would arrive, they would have to do their best to blend in with the locals. That meant absolutely no magic or too outstanding clothes.

Apparently clothes in Elenbora were simple and always light colored, very rarely they used dark clothes. For them, they meant sorrow and misery. The fabric usually used was spider silk made by huge silk spiders that lived in the mountains of Elenbora. It was soft and thin fabric and it felt really cooling against skin, it was perfect for a tropical climate in Elenbora.

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