Chapter 14

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The whole crew sat down in one of the free tables. Right now there weren't many customers around and those who were sitting on their own tables, didn't pay attention to them. Felix squeezed himself to sit between Laxus and Freed, staring at Chester who seemed like he was measuring them all with his gaze. Maybe he was trying to decide if he coud trust them or not. He should, that was what Felix thought and he nodded to himself. Chester was a fool if he didn't trust them.

"Since we haven't really introduced ourselves properly yet, I guess that is the first thing to do", Freed said and they all nodded. "We are mages from the guild called Fairy Tail and we live in Magnolia. My name is Freed Justine, this is my fiancé Laxus Dreyar and our son Felix Dreyar. Laxus is the Master of Fairy Tail and me, Evergreen and Bicklsow are in the same team called the Thunder Legion, also working as Laxus' bodyguards. Roscoe here is Bickslow's older brother and he joined our guild few years ago."

"You're the Master?" Chester asked surprised looking at Laxus.

"Yeah", the lightning dragon slayer said crossing his arms. "What's so surprising about that?"

"Uh... I guess nothing", Chester murmured. He didn't really know how Masters of the mage guilds acted like, so maybe it wasn't that surprising that Laxus didn't somehow feel like he was a Master. Strong he was obviously, he could see it and even he knew Master had to be strong. But he just... Was kinda plain.

"Why are you all here in Crocus? Just because of those collars?" Chester asked snapping himself out of his surprise by changing the subject.

"We couldn't help it, Teina was the only one we knew who could help us", Ever explained. "So we had no choice but to come here. But it is nice to visit Crocus sometimes."

"Did others from Fairy Tail come?"

"Not this time", Freed said. "Do you know how teams work in mage guilds?"

"They do missions together, right?"

"Yes. They move all around Fiore. Right now we have a bit of a situation in our guild but you will learn about that later when we get there. Most of us are back in our guild so you have a good chance to meet as many of us as possible, some of the mages might travel even decades without coming back before the mission is over."

"I see..." Chester murmured. So it was not a necessarity to show up back in the guild from time to time.

"Of course, it does help others if they at least know you're doing fine", Laxus grunted. "Gildarts just comes in, drinks until his head is full and then he might leave just as suddenly as he came back and none of us might see him in years after that."

"Well, he does stay in contact with Cana", Bickslow reminded. "But even she doesn't know all the time where he goes. Only clue we have where he might be is the copy of the mission sheet he took."

"Where is he right now, by the way?" Ever asked confused. "Wasn't he supposed to come back for the wedding?"

"Nah, we only send him a message about our wedding, we don't know if he ever got it", Laxus huffed. "I can't really tell you guys where he is, since it's an S-class mission but I can tell you that it might be that we are not going to see him for a while."

"Bummer", Bickslow sighed. "Cana's not gonna like that."

While others were talking, Felix stared at Chester and narrowed his eyes. He didn't like it how Chester was talking with others so easily. He should have stayed mute like with Teina! Chester was becoming way too good friend with others at this rate.

Suddenly those blue eyes shifted to look at him and Felix flinched, but he didn't look away.

"What?" Chester asked, confused because Felix was glaring at him.

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