Chapter 82

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Hello! I'm really, truly sorry it took this long to update! >.<' My laptop is still broken, but I'm sure it will be repaired soon. Damn, I feel awful because of taking this long before updating another chapter but it's just not the same to write with another computer. It feels super weird and I don't even know if this chapter is good, but I hope it's good enough ^^'

Once again, sorry for taking this long, I hope I can continue now with my normal one chapter/week schedule! Thank you for being so patient and thank you for all the comments, votes and everything!


Clouds were thundering all around and rain was pouring down heavily. Laxus growled as he looked around, but he had already noticed it wasn't easy to spot where Humphrey was. That bastard was slippery as a snake and when he turned into a shooting star, he was pretty much just as quick as his lightning.

Laxus frowned and released another lightning, destroying a burning rock that was aiming to hit him. He was worried how Freed and others were doing, not able to see the ship because of the clouds around them but he was sure everything was fine. At least for now. He had to focus on finding a way how to catch Humphrey.


Freed snorted slightly annoyed as he was running through the field of amethyst. Bickslow was sitting on his neck and holding onto his mane so he wouldn't fall and the seith mage was cackling loudly when they took sharp turns to avoid quartz pillars that were hoisted up.

Freed quickly noticed it was better for them to take distance from the ship. Moritz was doing what he wanted, not caring if he might destroy the ship while hunting down Freed so for the sake of not hurting the sailors, the rune mage ran away.

Bickslow looked behind them and he saw Moritz following them on top of a yellow disc he had created. Freed sure was fast, faster than anyone would think something so big could be, but Moritz was easily following after them.

"Have you yet figured how to beat him?" Bickslow asked.

"No", Freed's voice said and his claws scratched and shattered the amethyst under them when his arms and legs hit it heavily. "But we will find a way. It think we're far enough."

"Okay, baby", Bickslow grinned and he dropped off.

Freed was just about to stop when his hand landed down on the amethyst and he felt how something sharp plunged through it instantly. His speed made him fall over when he naturally pulled his arm away from whatever was hurting it and he landed down heavily.

"Freed!" Bickslow yelled. Holy shit, if he hadn't jumped down when he did, he might be under that huge demon right now flat like a pancake!

Freed hissed and he got up, looking at his hand. The wound was big but clear and it seemed like only his flesh was damaged. His bones were still fine. Moritz smirked and he instantly chased towards Freed, planning to kill him right now when he was still down.

"Soul Cape: Mirrora!" Bickslow snarled.

Moritz stopped when his way was blocked by six Bickslows. Each had different colour of their hair, but otherwise they were identical.

"Soldier Formation!" Bickslow commanded and the tiki dolls raised their hands.

Moritz huffed and he quickly gathered more amethyst to block the attack. To his surprise, that attack never came when instead they heard a rumbling thunder right above them.

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