Chapter 78

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The stairs were long, but it was easier to go down than up so this time they walked instead of using a lift. Freed looked at the sea and after they left mountains behind, there was nothing but water to see. The morning sun was making the blue sea glimmer beautifully.

That didn't really help Laxus who was already angry because he knew they would have to travel with a ship and couldn't help it.

"Don't look so cranky all the time", Evergreen finally snapped to the Thunder God. "You're making us all feel down."

"Shut up", Laxus grunted.

"He can't help it since he's scared", Bickslow chuckled.

"You wanna say that again?" Laxus growled and small sparks were emitted in the air.

"Calm yourself", Freed frowned. "We can't use magic yet."

"I know", Laxus said annoyed.

"Well, people here at docks might not be as afraid of mages as people in town", Sanchez chuckled. He and Imari had came along to see them off. "They visit Hargeon and other places often, they've met lots of mages before."

"Not only because of people", Roscoe said. "But we don't want the enemy to notice us as well."

Freed opened his mouth but closed it when he noticed Laxus had smelled something. They had no time to react, when in a next second there was someone among them and they saw a wide smirk.

In the next second he was already gone and like no one had ever been there or even close to them. But Laxus frowned when he looked at the letter he got in his hand.

"I heard Jellal has someone in his guild who is really fast", Evergreen whispered as they all had noticed what happened.

"Sawyer, if I'm not wrong", Freed said. "What does the letter say?"

Laxus grunted and he opened the letter. Others came closer, blocking the letter from view so people walking up and down the stairs would not notice it.

'We have noticed some suspicious activity by the docks, be careful when you get on a ship. Don't attract too much attention. - Jellal'

Laxus frowned.

"Should we get on a ship?" Evergreen asked.

"We can't stay here either", Laxus grunted.

"What if they attack while you're on a ship?" Imari murmured as they walked down and they already heard lots of voices from the docks. Nothing out of normal, just regular noises you could hear at any harbor.

"Then we have to fight", Laxus said. "It's gonna be a pain in the ass, fighting on a ship but it seems like we don't have any other choice."

"We do have an advantage, though", Bickslow grinned. "As we can fly."

"You can?" Sanchez asked curiously.

"We sure can, baby."

"Why don't you just fly away from here?" Imari asked.

"We can't", Evergreen said. "It would draw attention. And Freed can't fly over the sea, it takes too long."

"So our only choice is to board that ship and hope for the best", Freed frowned. "We must believe that Crime Sorciére will take care of this town."

In Magnolia, at the Fairy Tail guild house Erza huffed as she read a message he had gotten only moments ago. There was no sender's name and it made the letter suspicious, but the content was alarming.

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