Chapter 45

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Two weeks went by fast and Freed mostly used his time to try and make sense of the book they had gotten from Roxanne over four years ago. He slowly moved the old pages that had the old book scent he always found really soothing. But it didn't help him now as he was frowning and writing something down again, even though he wasn't sure if it was anything important.

With Levy they had managed to break all three guarding spells finally what was a huge achievement itself, but it didn't help them to understand what was written in the book. They had tried so many different ways to break the code or figure out how they could learn to translate the text, but nothing worked. The book he had borrowed from the library wasn't that helpful and it was really frustrating as he just couldn't seem to find a way how to understand the text.

He was just about to put away the books once again when he heard quick steps from the hallway. Freed stood up just in time when Bickslow opened the door.

"What's wrong?" the rune mage asked confused when the seith mage rushed into the room where they kept the book. It was usually locked with spells and only Freed or Levy visited there, but when one of them was in the room they usually left the door unlocked.

"You better come quick, baby! We just found some clues!" Bickslow almost shouted and grabbed Freed's arm, pulling him along towards the hallway and slamming the door shut and locked it after them.

"What clues? Did something happen?" Freed asked as he didn't really have a choice but to follow after the seith mage who rushed them towards the Hall.

They arrived at the Hall and Freed was surprised when he saw Gildarts, Roscoe and Roxanne. Weren't they supposed to be in Naava Town?

"Okay, tell him what you just told us", Bickslow said to Gildarts who was sipping his beer.

"Hey, Freed", the old man grinned. "Yeah, it's really nothing much but Bickslow said you're trying to translate some texts that has something to do with Netherworld Magic?" he said.

"Yes", Freed said and his heart jumped. "Do you know something about that magic? Can you perhaps even read those texts?"

"Me? Pffft! No way!" Gildarts laughed loudly. "But I know someone who can."

"You know?" Freed smiled. "That's great news!"

"Well... That's if he is still alive", Gildarts said. "He was an old man already when I met him over ten years ago."

"Oh", Freed said, and he couldn't help it but feel a bit disappointed.

"Why didn't you tell us about this sooner?" Bickslow asked looking at the red haired old man.

"Excuse me for not knowing that you needed to know something about Netherworld Magic", Gildarts snorted gulping down his beer. "No one tells me anything what's going on!"

"That's because you're gone most of the time", Cana huffed crossing her arms. "Where can we find that man, what's his name?"

"He's called Baluhu and you have to travel far to the northwest, use a ship to follow a river to get past the mountains and you will arrive in a little town called Ginkgo. It is a really nice place, lots of nice people, but Baluhu doesn't live with them."

"Figures, it would have been too easy for us", Freed huffed.

"He lives in that area though, just follow the shoreline and I'm sure the locals can help you as well to find him. But I warn you, the area between the shoreline and mountains is covered in a deep, dark forest full of all kinds of creatures."

"Well, we just have to endure it then", Freed said. "Thank you for all this information, Gildarts."

"No problem, sorry I can't really tell anything else but you should find at least something when you talk with Baluhu."

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