Chapter 73

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I'm back! Last week I was so busy I had no time to write at all, but now I can continue writing again! I wanted to post the next chapter as soon as it was done so here it is, enjoy! ^^ Thank you for your support, it really warms my heart! ^^


Since the mountains were surrounding Elenbora, it became dark really fast once the sun started to set. They had cleaned the rooms and took care of the futons, getting ready to go to sleep.

"Are you sure this is alright?" Laxus asked when they took their futons up and in he bedroom where Sanchez and Imari usually slept. Evergreen got the smallest room all by herself and Bickslow and Roscoe got the room next to it.

"Yes, it's fine", Sanchez assured. They had moved their own stuff with Imari to make room for guest futons in their bedroom. "We'll just sleep at the veranda on hammocks."

"I feel like we're chasing you away from your own house", Freed said apologetically.

"Nonsense, we like sleeping on our hammocks", Sanchez laughed jovially. "If it gets too cold, we'll sleep in the living room."

"We could sleep there too", Laxus assured as they laid the mattresses down.

"It's okay, really. I'll be up late anyway because I have to assemble herbs and Imari always complains how hot it gets up here. It's better for him if we sleep outside where it's cooler."

"You two really care for each other", Freed smiled.

"We have had our spats too", Sanchez smirked. "But we have known each other ever since we were little cubs so we know how to handle each other."

"You must have lived in this house since you inherited it from your father?"

"That's right. Imari actually lived near here, we always went to the forest together to look for fruits and stuff. Our families weren't exactly happy about it... Let alone once we started dating."

"They couldn't accept you guys being gay?" Laxus asked while they set down the blankets.

"No. It's the fact that Imari is a lion and I'm a tiger. You humans probably don't know it, but werelions and weretigers don't generally get along very well. We can stand each other so we won't cause fights, but we're not friends."

"That's weird", Laxus snorted and Freed frowned at him.

"I know", Sanchez laughed. "I don't really know what's the cause of that hate, but I've never really cared anyway. We played with Imari all the time, no matter what our parents said. Once we announce we're dating, they just had to accept it. After our marriage, our families slowly got to know each other better."

He looked around.

"Well, that should be all", he said stepping in the hallway. "You know where the kitchen and bathroom are. See you guys tomorrow."

"Good night, Sanchez", Freed said and they closed the door.

"Never really met weretigers or werelions before", Laxus said as he took off his shirt and Freed did the same.

"They're not any different from us", the rune mage said putting his sword against the wall near his futon. "They just have different habits, that's all."

"Yeah. They're a pretty funny couple."

"I think so too."

They rustled around until finally they got under covers, their futons assembled side by side. The room was dark and they could hear how Bickslow and Roscoe were talking about something, but not clearly enough so they could hear what they were talking.

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