Chapter 60

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"Freed!" Cana yelled when she finally reached the house, ripping the gate open and she slammed her fists against the door. "Freed!"

She heard hasty steps and the rune mage almost got a hit in his face when Cana was pounding the door.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" he asked quickly. "Cana, calm down."

"Moss!" Cana shouted grabbing Freed's collar. "It took Chester away!"

"What?" Freed said with a frown.

"Bicks went after them, he said I should warn you first."

"You did right, Cana", Freed nodded. "I want you to take Felix and go to Makarov's place", he said letting Cana inside and he went to stairs.

Soon he came back down with Felix who had already changed to his pajamas.

"What's wrong?" he asked, holding Theo who looked confused.

"Did something happen?" the quirlat asked.

"Yes, but don't worry, Cana will take you to Gramps", Freed said as he quickly grabbed his coat and his belts, buckling them around his waist. "I'll go after Bickslow and Chester", Freed said making sure his sword was with him and he stepped outside the house.

"Are you sure you can do that?" Cana asked worried.

"I have to do it", Freed said calling out his wings. "Bickslow wouldn't even hesitate to rush in to help if it were me and Felix. I'll do whatever I can to make sure they're okay. Felix, stay with Cana and Gramps until I come back", he said.

"Okay", Felix said, though he was scared. Freed smiled and he flew up I the air, disappearing above the town.

"Let's leave right now", Cana decided taking Felix's coat and lifted him up, closing the door as they left the house and she ran towards Makarov's house.

Bickslow flew past the streets trying to find tracks. He had seen bits of moss that had crawled away in an instant and slowly it had finally lead him at the edge of the town and the forest was opening in front of him.

He gritted his teeth. Ichabod was luring him in the forest and there he would probably attack him. He had a nasty advantage in the forest, there was enormous amounts of moss for him to order around in there. And I was always possible that he might try to use spores.

But he didn't have a choice. He had to save Chester! Even if he would end up getting captured by Ichabod, he was sure Freed and others could figure something out. As long as Chester would be safe, everything was fine.

"Hey, we should try that thing", he said looking at the little totems.

"We can do it!" they assured.

"I know you can, babies", the seith mage grinned and the tiki dolls giggled as they made some preparations.

After that, Bickslow lead them in the forest, going under large branches that were blocking all the light of the moon. He had to be careful, Ichabod might attack at any second from the shadows with his moss so he had to stay alert.

The seith mage hovered through the forest, looking around but he saw no tracks anywhere. Nothing to give him some clues where to go. It felt like the whole forest was quiet and it made him nervous.

It was only some rustling, but it was enough for Bickslow to alert him so he managed to dodge when one of the moss vines dashed from the darkness towards him. The tiki dolls yelled and he flew up, dodging as more vines were rushing towards them.

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