Chapter 105

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Hello my little cookies! Yes, I know it has been a while since the last chapter ^^' But here it is finally! And those who liked the pictures don't worry! They are at the end of this chapter :D And those who like Laxus and Felix moments, get ready! I love writing Laxus and Felix moments, they're just the best moments.

Anyway, thanks a lot for all the support you gave me! Thanks for all the comments and votes, they always make me soooo happy every time I see a comment or get a vote, Aye! ^^ I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!


It was a long day. Or at least it felt like it went on forever. Most of the deer centaurs were just sleeping during the brightest time of the day which was the time when the stars were shining brightest.

Felix was sitting on the ground, leaning against Laxus who was just being lazy and sleeping during the day too. He and others had been walking for so long to get here so it was no wonder they needed rest. That was what most of them did anyway so it didn't really matter. Their guild mates and friends appeared in the deer centaur camp one after another, everyone brought by the spirits called by Baluhu. Almost everyone had already arrived.

Felix huffed when he recalled what Baluhu had said. Felix didn't really know anything about his great-grandfather, only that he was in prison because he had done something bad, but Baluhu had known him when he had still been young. Baluhu said they weren't really friends, they just worked in the same mage guild which had been disbanded now for many decades.

And apparently there had been some really serious troubles caused by Lucados. That was when he turned against his guild but being just as powerful with his Netherworld Magic, Baluhu managed to fight him off. After that Lucados just vanished and was never seen again in the guild.

Felix huffed and he turned, got up and sat on Laxus' broad chest and the man didn't seem to even notice him.

"Dad?" he said. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Hmm... It depends what your question is", Laxus murmured not opening his eyes.

"What if we can't go back home?" Felix asked worried. "What if we have to live here from now on?"

"We'll get back home", Laxus assured.

"But what if?" Felix asked. "What should we do then?"

Laxus grunted and he thought about it.

"Then I guess we would just have to get used to this world", he finally said. "But that is only if we won't be able to return back home. But I'm sure we can find a way to go back. Baluhu knows how to move between our world and this world. So don't worry, okay?"

"Yeah..." Felix murmured when slumping to lie down. The big chest under him moved when Laxus was breathing in and out and it was somewhat calming, but he was still worried. "I would rather go back home now..."

"I know, son. I would rather go back home too with everyone", Laxus said, patting Felix's hair. "I'm sure we'll find a way how to do that."

Felix nodded, feeling a bit more relaxed and he looked at others. During the day they were all just relaxing and gathering their energy. The deer centaurs were sleeping so they had made their own camp a little bit further from their little village so they wouldn't disturb them.

"Is mama still talking with Baluhu?" he asked.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Are they talking about great-grandfather?"

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