Chapter 103

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Laxus, Bickslow and Reedus were climbing up a small cliff and now they noticed that the mushrooms had gotten smaller and there were less of them around. There were more bushes now and moss covering the rocks. The butterflies they had seen had disappeared already from their sight, but they were heading to the same direction where they had seen them going.

Once they got up, the ground got more even making walking easier for them.

"What the hell?" Laxus growled when they stepped ahead, looking around.

There was nothing but a huge field of red grass. There was lots of it and it continued as far as they could see. The sky was almost dark and only a few tiny stars gave them light.

"Are we supposed to cross this?" Laxus asked.

"I guess so if we want to follow those butterflies", Reedus said. "There aren't really any other choices."

"How the hell far does this field even go?" Laxus grunted and he was really annoyed. They could only see so far ahead and then the ground got more steep and there was a grassy hill. Behind that, they had no idea what there might be. "Shit, I guess we just have to start walking", the Thunder God decided and they started walking, the red long grass rustling against their legs.

"We could fly?" Bickslow suggested.

"We can fly", the tiki dolls reminded.

"I know that", Laxus growled. "But I don't think it would be wise to waste our magic just like that."

"Whatever you say, baby."

So walking it was and very soon after walking for some while they noticed the grassy field was far more bigger than they first even though. The wind was blowing gently, bending the grass and suddenly Laxus sniffed and stopped. He looked at their right side, but he saw nothing but grass.

"What?" Bickslow asked and he and Reedus stopped as well. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I just thought I smelled something familiar", Laxus murmured with a frown. It was no one from their guild or friends. He could just barely even tell he was sensing someone's scent, it was so faint and coming from somewhere far away.

"You did?" Bickslow asked and he got excited. "We should go check it out! It might lead us to somewhere."

"I'm not even sure if I did smell anything", Laxus said. "And I can't tell who it was."

Bickslow was about to continue, but Laxus suddenly turned his head and looked on their left. This time he heard something. Something that was coming closer fast. Bickslow and Reedus noticed that same and looked on their left.

There was a swarm of white dragonflies that were heading towards them. Laxus gritted his teeth angrily when seeing the big bugs made out of magic and small lightning crackled around him.

Yuidose was near. The man who had caused this whole mess, brought them in Netherworld and separated them all. They didn't see the man, but those dragonflies were definitely made by him and it was obvious they were sent out to find them.

Bickslow winced when another spark flickered in the air and he saw how Laxus clenched his fists.

"Time to go, baby", he said grabbing nervous Reedus' arm, pulling him along and towards the direction from where Laxus had smelled whatever it was he smelled.

"Run, run, run, run!" his 'babies' chanted flying after them.

Laxus didn't move from his spot while the others kept running as fast as they could and he just frowned more when the dragonflies came closer. There were at least a few dozen of them. They were big and they had noticed them from far.

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