Chapter 27

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BOOM! This is a surprise SMUT chapter for you all! If you don't like reading smut you can just skip this chapter and won't miss a thing of the main story ^w^ There might be typos more than usual because I have a flu and my brain just don't want to cooperate with me. Yet I still can't stop writing and just rest because I don't want to... Anyway, enjoy!


The bedroom door opened with loud bang as Laxus and Freed barged in kissing, panting and getting rid of their clothes. This really was something extremely rare for them to be able to have sex in the middle of a day with no rush anywhere. They could enjoy each other's company, cuddle and just relax on the bed.

But right now they were in a hurry as both of them were really excited of this opportunity. Since Felix was so small and there was always danger that he might surprise them, they could have sex hardly once a week. Mostly thanks to Makarov who would take Felix to sleep over in his house from time to time. It was of course really fun for Felix, but even more fun for Laxus and Freed and obviously that was the reason why Makarov asked Felix to come over sometimes. God bless that tiny old man!

The bed shook with a loud creak as Laxus was slammed down by Freed. The lightning dragon slayer smirked looking at his mate who climbed over him and he brushed his green hair gently, pulling out the ribbon that was used to tie the hair down.

"You're quite bossy today, aren't you?" Laxus chuckled.

"I do like it sometimes", Freed smirked. "But I don't want to push you too much today, you have a hangover after all so I'll be bottoming."

"I like it better this way anyway", Laxus laughed. "And I know you like it this way too."

"Might be", Freed chuckled mischievously.

He crawled lower, pulling down Laxus' boxers he was still wearing. He smiled, admiring the big member that was already half erect. He touched it gently with his long fingers, giving it a kiss and a lick.

Laxus smirked looking at Freed. For a moment ago they were ready to do it even at the hallway, and yet Freed still took his time to properly warm him up.

"Hey, get your ass over here, Justine."

Freed looked at Laxus with his turquoise eyes amused. He shifted, taking off his pants and moved to straddle over Laxus' face. The lightning dragon slayer smirked and reached his hand to grab a bottle from the night stand. He covered his fingers with the slippery liquid, licking the lenght that was just above his face making the rune mage shiver.

Freed smirked stroking Laxus' member. He could make the mighty Thunder God shiver as well with pleasure. He opened his mouth and took the big cock in his mouth, giving it a few sucks and he felt how Laxus shuddered. Good. Freed felt a finger touching him, slipping inside and he slightly cringed. It didn't hurt, but it had definitely been awhile since their last time.

Laxus chuckled grabbing the dick that was now hard and as he moved his finger he stroked Freed at the same time. He was really satisfyed as he heard a soft moan and it felt extremely good since Freed was still sucking him. Soon he could add another finger, forcing his mate to open up for him more.

Freed moved his head and he used his tongue, tasting pre-cum already. They were both excited enough, they probably wouldn't last long but since they had time and peace, they could have sex as much as they wanted.

For a little while they entertained each other like that, until Freed had to let go and his body was trembling because of the pleasure.

"Laxus, that's enough", he said getting up.

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