Chapter 47

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It was already past noon when their group finally found a tavern where to stay, as almost every place in the whole town was already reserved because of tourists who came to see the festival. It wasn't a big place and it was a bit rundown as it was old, but that didn't really matter much since the view was absolutely beautiful.

They had to walk all the way to the farthest part of the southern section of the town and they could hardly see middle and north sections from there but that didn't really matter. They had a perfect view over the sea itself and that was what they wanted.

"I like this place", Bickslow cackled as they all sat in a big terrace that connected their rooms outside. They had a tiny little garden with a little stream, that had water so clean they could actually drink it.

"I agree", Evergreen smiled. Well, of course she agreed because this way they had more money for shopping.

Actually they had rented one big room that could be separated in two or three rooms. Freed thought it was rather practical. Their room was connected to the main part of the tavern by stairs and even though they saw customers coming and going, they hardly heard anything.

"I'm actually surprised by this place", Roscoe said as he looked up to the large ginkgo trees that gave them just enough shade so the air was feeling nicely cool. "Sure, this place isn't in a perfect shape or anything, but it's pretty nice place considering we have practically a whole house we can use."

"It's mostly all about the location", Freed said and he looked inside from open doors, where Felix and Chester were sleeping on futons. "The further we go from the center of the town, usually price of the rooms drops, no matter how nice the place might be. Only places with something of their own that draws people in can have higher prices."

This place certainly was really nice and it had its own atmosphere, but it wasn't special like having hot springs or something.

"Well, I don't care whatever the reason, this place is good", Laxus said as he was lying on the terrace his eyes closed. "And the tavern has its own pub which is only few steps away from here."

"There might be a festival tonight but we didn't come here for a vacation", Freed frowned.

"Don't be so uptight, baby", Bickslow grinned. "You're just cranky because you can't drink", he snickered.

"You know very well I'm not that fond of drinking anyway. I'm trying to focus on our job because that's why we're here", Freed reminded.

But yes, he would feel a bit left out if others went to drink and he had to stay here with Felix and Chester, it was only natural. Sure they could also take the boys with them, it wasn't like they had never seen drunken people since they spend all days in Fairy Tail...

"Let's just see how things go", Ever smiled to Freed. "It's no harm to have some fun as well since we're here."

After Felix and Chester woke up they ordered some food in their room.

"What are these?" Freed asked confused as one of the workers also brought clothes while she came to fetch the empty dishes.

"These are for the festival, we always bring some for our customers just in case they don't have these", she explained and unfolded one of the big clothes. It was round and had a hole in the middle. There were also lots of colourful embroideries all around the cloth. "You pull them on and use one of these belts to tie it around your waist."

"Nice, does everyone dress up in these?" Bickslow asked curiously as he unfolded a black cloth with lots of white and pink embroideries. He pulled it on, his head popping out from the hole in the middle.

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