Chapter 4

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Hello everyone! Thank you for reading this story ^^ My next week is going to be super busy, I don't know if I can update at all so I decided to update now. Thank you for all the comments and votes!


Freed shook his head and gritted his teeth. His mind was getting hazy. That was not a good thing, but snapping out of it felt really hard and he wasn't anymore sure what was happening. It was like his mind was half asleep already and he just couldn't remember what was happening.

Humphrey smiled looking at the large dome above them that started flickering. But it didn't fade and he frowned, looking at the green haired mage who was struggling.

"Why are you fighting?" he purred touching Freed's face, who yanked his head away. "Usually this spell works even for the strongest mages..." he muttered.

Freed panted slightly as he kept fighting against the spell and he felt sweat. He couldn't give up. He had a mission, even though he wasn't anymore sure what it was, but he knew he couldn't just give up and let himself fall asleep or whatever would happen.

Humphrey hummed curiously letting his stare wander around Freed's body more. This man really was beautiful. He was impressed how much he was fighting against the charm spell he was using, but it was actually just more thrilling.

"Just forget everything and let me take care of you", he whispered in Freed's ear. "We will be happy together. Hm?"

His green eyes noticed something in Freed's neck and he pulled away the collar of his coat. There was a mark and lightning scars or similar. It was slightly glowing. Could that be the reason why this man didn't just fall for his spell like many others had? It sure was a pain in the ass.

Humphrey pulled his hand pack when a small spark emitted from the mark. So this man was marked by some kind of a slayer? That was the only explanation he could come up with. It was such an annoyance, but also it made this more interesting. It would be even more of a sweet victory when he would finally conquer this man even though he had a mark of a slayer.

The black haired mage smirked and took something from his pocket.

"I'm so happy I decided to take this with me", he hummed pulling out a leather collar. "With magic sealing stones, I wonder if even that mark will protect you", he purred.

Freed panted heavily as his vision was starting to get black. He knew something bad was happening, but he couldn't move at all as gentle hands brushed away his hair and he felt thick leather around his neck.

"Don't you fucking dare, you scumbag!" they suddenly heard a scream.

Freed blinked when with a loud thud Humphrey jolted and dropped the collar on the ground. In the next second he collapsed himself, curling up into a tiny trembling ball. Freed looked at the whining man and then Evergreen, his mind starting to finally slowly get back on its right track. If he hadn't been still so confused at the moment, he had definitely felt cold shivers because of what Ever did.

"Be really grateful I only crushed your jewels and didn't cut them off", Evergreen snarled her brown hair all messy and her outfit had been burned here and there. "No one does something like that to my brother as long as I live! And where the hell is Laxus when someone is trying to collar and steal his man?!" she yelled angrily looking around.

"You... Bitch..." Humphrey wheezed trying to gather himself.

"Hm? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you", Ever said. "Did you say bitch? Yeah, I know I can be one in a situations like this. And I can get even worse if you try anything funny again", she smirked deviously.

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