chapter 36

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Freed wasn't sure what the time was when he woke up but at least it was bright outside. Someone had pulled the curtains shut but he could see a little bright light that peeked behind them. How long had he slept? He remembered coming home, falling and waking up with Laxus in bed and then they ended up having sex, but he wasn't sure when they stopped or what the time was when they stopped.

The rune mage groaned as he sat up and with great effords he managed to get on his feet. Was he still sick? No, it didn't feel like it. His temperature felt normal and he wasn't sweating. He was also feeling really hungry so at least his appetite was back. He must have just slept a bit too long, it was already ten when he looked at the clock on his nightstand.

Freed took his red morning gown and wrapped it around him, tying the belt. After using the bathroom he stepped out of their bedroom, still confused and not sure what was happening. He stepped down the stairs and went to the kitchen where he was surprised by Bickslow and Evergreen.

"Morning, baby", Bickslow grinned. "You finally woke up!"

"Freed's alive!" his 'babies' cheered and snuggled against Freed. "We missed Freed!"

"Good morning", Freed said shooing the dolls away. "Why are you here at this time?" he asked confused.

"Sit down, I will pour you some coffee", Evergreen smiled taking out a cup from the cabinet. "How are you feeling?"

"Uh... Disoriented?" Freed huffed and he sat down. "I've slept too long. Where's Laxus?" he asked.

Bickslow and Ever looked at each other and Freed knew immediately that something wasn't right.

"What? What's going on?" he asked quickly and frowned. "Did something happen while I was sleeping? Where's Felix?" he asked worried.

"Everything's fine", Bickslow assured. "But you've been sleeping soundly for three days."

Freed looked at the seith mage and he couldn't believe his ears. Three days? Surely he just misunderstood something, right?

"It's true, Sweetie", Ever said giving him a cup of coffee and she sat down as well. "You've been sleeping like a log the whole time. Felix has been really worried, he's been crying and asking why you won't wake up."

Freed still felt it hard to believe but he saw from Bickslow's and Ever's faces that they weren't lying. He really did sleep through three whole days.

"I... I have no idea why", he said slowly, even though he knew they weren't demanding him to explain why he didn't wake up. "Where's Laxus?" he asked.

"He's at the guild with Felix, don't worry. He asked us to stay here and keep an eye on you", Bickslow said.

"Oh, of course", Freed said. "He has his duties as a Master -"

"No, Freed", Ever sighed. "It's not just that, actually. It's... Well, Porlyusica said that we should tell you the situation right away once you wake up..."

"What situation?" Freed asked and he was really starting to get nervous. What the hell was going on?

"The mating season", Bickslow finally said and Freed froze. "Yeah. It's back."

"But... How...?"

"We don't know, Porlyusica was just as clueless as we are. She said it should occur only once in every ten years."

"What about others? Are they having symptoms?"

"Yeah, Makarov had to go to Naava Town because Natsu and others are causing troubles there and Laxus refused to leave Magnolia. No one can of course blame him for that and even if he did go there, he would probably just fight with them. They should come back today with a train."

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