Chapter 35

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Somewhere around three o'clock the whole town got scared when suddenly lightning hit down from bright blue sky and thundering filled the air. Laxus straightened himself, standing in front of Makarov's house and he walked past the port, opening the door.

"Oh, so you finally came", Makarov said when the blond haired dragon slayer stepped in. "Freed said you would come."

"Where's Freed? And Felix?" Laxus growled and there was a big vein throbbing on his neck. It was a miracle he was able to do as Freed had told and take care that the train would leave with Levy and Gajeel aboard. Thankfully there wasn't others who were feeling dizzy or anything else suspicious.

"Don't worry, everything is fine", Makarov assured trying to calm his grandson. He would only scare the kids if he stepped in front of them looking like he was ready to explode.

"Levy said that Humphrey guy was after Felix."

"Seems like Humphrey was making fun of you guys. At least for now", Makarov huffed. "Felix is fine and there hasn't been anything unusual happening here."

Laxus sighed relieved. He could of course smell Felix and Freed both of them, but hearing that everything really was alright was what he really needed. But after sniffing some more, there was something that made him feel uneasy.

He stepped at the entrance of the living room and peeked in. It seemed like tthe kids were playing a board game, Felix sitting on Freed's lap. The rune mage still had a blanket around him and he was sleeping against the back of the couch.

"He's sick", Laxus grunted. "I can smell it."

"He fell asleep only moments ago, refused to go in bed", Makarov explained looking in the living room as well. "He almost hurt himself when flying over in that cold weather in mountains. He needs some rest, but he should be just fine after few days."

Laxus stepped in the living room and Felix noticed him.

"Dad", he said happily. "You came home too."

"Yeah", Laxus nodded and he smiled slightly. Felix really was okay, it lessened the tension in his shoulders. "Don't wake up mama."

"We told him he should go to bed but he didn't want to", Felix huffed looking at the green haired man who was sleeping soundly. "He said he would wait until dad would be home too."

"Well, I'm here now", Laxus said. "So let's go tuck mama in bed."

"Are we gonna stay here with Gramps?"

"Yeah, it's easier that way", Laxus said and Felix slid off from Freed's lap.

The lightning dragon slayer gently pulled his arms under Freed's knees and shoulders, lifting him up.

"Did he eat?" he asked as Freed's head leaned against his neck and he could feel how his body was radiating heat because of high fever. It made the rune mage look so small and fragile, he just wanted to take care of him the best he could, do whatever he could so his mate would feel better soon.

"We had lunch an hour ago", Chester said. "He ate something as well."

"Good", Laxus nodded and he turned.

He carried Freed up the stairs and Felix opened a door for him in the bedroom. It was Laxus' own room he used when visiting Makarov and sometimes he had lived there when Ivan was away doing... Whatever the hell he had been doing.

There was one more room for Roxanne and Vellanja, while Felix and Chester slept in this one. Makarov of course had his own bedroom.

There was a bed big enough for two in Laxus' old room and he laid his husband on it. He was worried when seeing his pale skin sweating so much.

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