Chapter 16

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The forest at the southwest from Crocus was big and bushy but it was still easy to walk around since there weren't that much brushwood. After they all had walked around a bit, Freed drew the lines with his sword and magic, hoisting up the dark purple walls.

After that it was agreed that they should eat lunch before starting so they sat down at the area that was agreed to stay as a neutral place. They would meet up there next time together at dinner time and after that when the sun was set. Or when the other team had won.

"There you go", Freed smiled giving wooden bowls full of food for Felix and Chester. They had bought the ingredients they needed on their way to this forest.

"It smells good", Chester said surprised.

"Of course, it's our Freed who made it", Ever smirked taking her own portion from the kettle that was above the fireplace.

"With Yukino's help", Freed chuckled and Yukino smiled.

"You guys sure eat good if Freed makes all your food every time", Sting said while munching his portion. "What is this food?"

"It's Granny's famous hunter's stew", Bickslow grinned. "Am I right, baby?"

"Yes. I think I'm getting better at doing it, but I have still long way to go", Freed said giving bowls for Minerva and Orga, while Yukino served Laxus and Bickslow.

"You can make it even better than what it already is?" Orga chuckled tasting the stew.

"You should try the stew Granny makes", Bickslow smirked at him. "Now that's delicious! But this is amazing as well, Freed."

"Thank you, Bicks", Freed said and he sat down with Yukino once everyone had their bowl.

"It really is delicious", Rufus smiled.

"You could learn something from Freed, Rufus", Sting said pointing at the memory mage with his spoon. "You're horrible at cooking."

"I wouldn't say I'm horrible", Rufus defended himself.

"I would, you're horrible", Minerva stated bluntly. "Accept it finally."

"I can make something", the red masked mage said with a hint of hurt in his voice.

"No you can't", Orga snorted. "You can make tea, that's it. Last time you had to make our food when we were on a mission, we all got sick."

"I still get sick if I even imagine that food again", Minerva tisked.

"Can we talk about something else than my apparently poor cooking skills?" Rufus muttered.

"Nah, this is fun", Laxus snickered giving his bowl back to Freed so he would fill it again.

Felix was eating his own food and he looked around, listening what adults were talking. It was funny how it sounded like they were insulting each other yet still they were laughing and no one was offended. He wondered if Chester was like that too... Did he get hurt even though Chester didn't mean to insult him?

He looked at the dark blue haired boy who was following what adults were talking as well. Felix couldn't help it, he still felt anger when he remembered what Chester said. No one should talk something like that even if it was a joke! It was a cruel joke!

He huffed and looked away when Chester looked at him and that made the older boy confused. Why would Freed put him work together with that idiot?! He could have managed to work by himself, definitely!

After the food was gone they cleaned the dishes and stepped inside the runes.

"All the rules are written in runes", he announced. "We have our home bases and all the players are free to roam and tackle the members of the enemy team. If you can make them remain at ground for ten seconds, they will be trapped in runes and they can't get out for ten minutes."

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