Chapter 58

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Once they arrived at the guild, Felix ignored everyone else and he went straight to Erza who was sitting with Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Juvia.

"Erza!" he said with a smile and the red haired mage was surprised.

"Hey there, Felix", she smiled turning towards him. "You look energetic today."

"I am!" Felix assured and Freed, Laxus, Theophilius and Makarov were amused as they followed after him. Many of their guild mates were turning to see what made Felix so excited. "I can join he guild! I can use magic!" Felix announced.

"Really?" Erza asked and they heard chatting around them.

"That's great, Felix!" Natsu laughed happily.

"To learn magic at your age, that is quite admirable", Gray smirked and Felix was glowing because of praises.

"So, what magic do you use?" Lucy asked curiously.

"Juvia wants to know too, please tell us, Felix", Juvia smiled.

"I can use hieroglyph magic!" Felix said. "Mama and dad promised that I can join the guild if Erza says it's okay!"

"Well then, can you show us your magic?" Erza suggested.

"Yeah! Show us!" Natsu howled, but they all were confused when suddenly Felix looked a lot less excited.

He looked at the floor, shifting his feet.

"I tried to use it again to show mama, dad and Gramps too..." he muttered. "It didn't work... But I did really use it!" he swore looking at Erza. "I drew hieroglyphs and they started to glow orange! They looked like they were golden!"

"Maybe they only looked like they were glowing?" Lucy asked carefully.

"No! They were glowing!"

Erza frowned and thought about it. She couldn't really accept Felix in the guild if she couldn't see him actually using his magic.

"Did you really use magic, Felix?" they heard another voice and Felix looked at Chester who came closer with Bickslow and Cana.

"That's nice, baby!" the seith mage cackled. "Good for you!"

"I did use magic", Felix nodded. "Theo was there with me."

"Ah, but I was sleeping", the quirlat explained as he flew down and hung on Felix's shoulders. "So I didn't actually see it..."

"So no one else saw how you used magic?" Chester asked slightly narrowing his eyes suspiciously and Felix blushed.

"I'm not lying!" he shouted angrily. He did use magic!

Erza looked at Freed and Laxus but they just slightly shook their heads. They had not seen their son using magic and they didn't know if what he saw really was magic. But they didn't believe that Felix was lying. He might just be mistaken, that's all. Of course they wanted to believe his words.

Erza looked back at Felix and she smiled.

"Felix, if you're sure you saw magic, we believe you", she assured and Felix's eyes lit up. "But", Erza said now with a serious tone. "No matter what you have to proof us that you can use it, that is the rule."

"And rules are always absolute..." Felix sighed and he was really disappointed. He had been so excited to have his guild mark!

"That's right", Freed nodded. "If we wouldn't follow rules, there wouldn't be any order."

"Erza! Are you really not going to let Felix join Fairy Tail?" Natsu asked and he looked pissed. "Obviously he has been training hard to learn magic."

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