Chapter 75

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The day in Magnolia was warm and sunny, making it an absolutely great day to spend in a park. Felix, Chester and Vellanja had been training for a while, but then they had seen a huge bunch of flowers and they all just kinda forgot to train more.

"And then you carefully twist from here and it's done!" Vellanja said showing them a flower crown she had made. Levy had taught her how to do it so she wanted to show for Felix and Chester how to do those as well.

Chester looked at his crown that was a bit too small and Felix frowned to his crown that was definitely too big.

"These don't look as good as yours", Chester muttered.

"That's because you did them wrong, it's not my fault."

"How am I supposed to wear this?" Felix asked trying to put the crown on, but it was more like a necklace than a crown.

"I told you, you don't need that much flowers when you make these", Vellanja said crossing her arms, wearing her dandelion crown. "But you didn't listen."

"I wanted to use different kinds of flowers!"

"That's what made it too big!"

Felix pouted and looked his crown.

"This is stupid", Chester muttered putting his crown on top of his head. It was more like a bracelet...

"It's not!" Vellanja argued planting her crown on top of her wild black hair. "These are cute! You just don't know how to make these like you should."

"We should do something else", Felix said putting down the crown he had made.

"I know!" Vellanja said immediately. "Let's call out that demon", she smiled.

"What?" Felix asked and even if he didn't want to admit it, the idea of calling Horror out kind of... scared him a bit...

"Let's see what kind of a demon he is! I mean, he has to follow your orders, right?"

"I guess..."

"He only looks scary", Vellanja said waving her hand. "I don't believe he's actually scary."

"His name is Horror", Chester reminded her.

"I still don't think he's scary! If he tries anything funny, I'll just bite him! Call him out, Felix!" Vellanja ordered and Felix hesitated, looking at the mark on his hand.

"I don't know how", he said.

"You can do it! Say something like: Come out, Horror! I command you to follow my orders!" Vellanja yelled loudly with a bossy tone. "Something like that?"

"I don't... Uhm..." Felix murmured looking back to the mark.

"Just try something", Chester said.

Felix sighed, but he frowned. He could do this. Freed called out his demons all the time, this wasn't any different right?

"Horror", he said, his voice firm. "You uh... You should... Come out?" he finally asked, losing his confidence in the middle.

It didn't matter, since the mark on his hand started to glow and runes appeared on the ground in front of them. Immediately they saw how something was forming in the middle of them and soon they saw the same big demon who they had seen in the Hall, summoned by Freed that time.

Horror looked down at the three kids.

'Young master Felix', he greeted.

"Um... Hi?" Felix said and now he was a bit scared again. Horror looked even bigger, or maybe it was just because they were so close this time. There was no Freed or Laxus to make sure the demon wouldn't do anything and it was unnerving.

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