Chapter 104

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Felix woke up in the hut they were sharing together. He hummed, rubbing his eyes and looked at Freed who was sleeping next to him. It seemed like everyone else was still sleeping and it was now quiet outside. He got up and went to the door, moving the sheet that was covering the entrance.

It was brighter now, but not the same way as in Earth Land. There was no sun in the sky after all, only stars.

Felix took some water from a water bucket that was left outside their hut and he looked around more. Suddenly he saw some movement up on the hill, at the direction from where they came just yesterday.

His eyes went wide when he recognized who were coming down towards the village.

"Mama!" he shouted moving the sheet and Freed jolted awake. "Dad's here! And Bickslow and Gajeel too!" Felix smiled and he let go of the sheet.

He ran towards the path from where Laxus and others were coming. He smiled when he saw Makarov too and Theophilius, Kvestor and Panther Lily.

"Dad!" he smiled and Laxus chuckled, picking up his son and hugged him tightly. "We were so worried!" he sniffled.

"I know", Laxus said. "Sorry you had to worry that much, but everything's fine now."

"Felix!" Theophilius said and Felix laughed when the Quirlat grabbed a hold of them.

"I'm so glad you're okay too, Theo", the boy smiled.

"Daddy!" Vellanja shouted with teary eyes when running towards them with others.

"There's my two best girls!" Gajeel laughed loudly and grabbed up his daughter and Levy both, giving them both a kiss and a hug.

"We're so glad to see you're alright", Levy smiled.

"Chester!" Bickslow howled and Chester flinched when he got lifted up in a tight hug, blushing a little bit.

"I wasn't worried", he muttered.

"Of course you weren't, baby", Bickslow just cackled ruffling Chester's hair. "Is Cana here?"

"No, we haven't seen her", Chester said and now he did sound a bit worried.

"I see... Well you don't need to worry about Cana. She's strong and smart, she will find us."

Freed smiled coming closer with Elfman and others. Felix was so happy when he could hug Laxus again after being apart for so long.

"It's good to see you, babe", Laxus smiled and he pulled Freed in a hug.

"You too", the rune mage assured. "We were starting to get worried."

"Yeah", Felix nodded. "Because dad gets lost easily."

"Hey", Laxus grunted.

Felix got down and he hugged Makarov who chuckled, patting his blond hair softly.

"No need to cry, Felix", the old man assured. "We're all okay and together now."

"But we're still missing so many of us", Felix said and he wiped his face with his sleeve. "And we don't know where they are."

"We will find them. We have a good ally with us who can gather us all together again", Makarov said and Felix looked at Baluhu.

"Baluhu!" he, Chester and Vellanja all shouted surprised. Freed too raised his eyebrows.

"So you're still alive", he smiled.

"As alive as I can be", Baluhu just chuckled. "Took some time to arrive here. I suppose Ilanyish is here in this village?"

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