Chapter 59

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I'm so sorry it took this long to update! I got unexpectedly busy last week and weekend and I simply had no time to write at all :'D But here is the next chapter now! Enjoy! ^^

Thank you for all the comments, it always make me smile when I can read your comments ^^ And thank you for all the votes and especially reading this story!


"I made sure you have enough money just in case if you need to buy something", Freed said as they were seeing Laxus and Evergreen off at their house with Felix, Theophilius, Makarov, Bickslow, Chester, Cana and Elfman.

"This is not manly at all", Elfman sighed sadly. "I should be coming with you guys."

"It's better this way", Evergreen assured with a smile. "Me and Laxus can get there faster and there are more mages back here in case something might happen."

"That is true, we can't be sure if this is only a trap", Laxus grunted as he took his backpack. "They might be counting on us leaving just like when they attacked Naava Town and only some were left behind."

"They might also wait there all of them", Freed frowned and he wasn't sure if this really was such a good idea. "Yuidose, Emmett, Humphrey and Ichabod."

"And whoever is that crystal guy", Bickslow said. "If he is part of them. That would mean we can't be sure how many subordinates Yuidose really has."

"We're going to find out that once we get to Ginkgo", Laxus said. "Right now we can only guess."

"You have to be careful", Freed reminded again. "If they really are there all of them, you can't stay and fight, it's not wise at all."

"We'll see what happens."

"That's not reassuring at all... Ever, I'm counting on you that you will make the right decision to retreat with Laxus if the situation looks too much for you two", Freed said looking at the brunette who chuckled.

"I'll do my best to drag your husband out of danger in time", she snickered and Laxus huffed not amused.

"Just stay safe, both of you", Makarov said. "This is risky, letting you two go just by yourselves but I guess we have no other option. The Thunder Legion is the only team that is fast enough to fly with Laxus. Do not do anything stupid and don't attack if there are too many of them. Good fighter knows how to be brave but strong one knows when it's best to retreat."

"But kick their asses!" Bickslow cackled and Freed sighed.

"We'll do that", Laxus smirked and he looked at Felix. The boy seemed like he might cry at any second. "Don't worry, Felix. We'll be careful", the lightning dragon slayer said. "You help mama to take care of things here while I'm gone."

"Yeah", Felix muttered with a little nod. "Will you really, really come back, dad?" he asked and Laxus chuckled.

"Yeah, I'll come back", he said as he knelt down. "That's a promise."

"You better!" Felix shouted and he hugged Laxus' neck tightly. "I won't forgive you if you won't come back!"

"That is a threat I'm truly scared of, so I will come back. Don't you worry, Felix."

"Yeah, because otherwise mama would have to take care of us alone", Felix sniffed wiping his face.

"Nah, Gramps and others are here too", Laxus laughed and he stood up when Felix let go of him. "You have a strong guild standing behind you to make sure you can keep on going", he smirked, kissing Freed who chuckled.

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