Chapter 97

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While everyone were searching for white dragonflies that might still be hidden inside the guild house, Felix was sitting with Chester and Vellanja on their seats around a table. They were accompanied by Freed and Levy, who were both very interested to know more about the dragonflies.

"I didn't find anything", Freed sighed closing the book he had fetched from their library.

"I didn't find anything either", Levy said closing her book. "It seems like there shouldn't be any white dragonflies around this area."

"So they are not natural", Freed frowned looking at the bugs that were on the table. The way how they hadn't moved at all except vibrating their delicate wings sometimes wasn't really a good sign. "Someone has created them with magic."

"It would be awesome to know how to create something like this", Vellanja muttered. "So why are they here?"

"We don't know that yet, dear", Levy said. "But I have to say, this is making me worried."

"I agree", Freed said, looking how Natsu and some others were thoroughly inspecting the big fireplace. He heard how furniture were moved and someone broke something somewhere. "This white colour reminds me of something, I just can't seem to remember what."

"It's like snow", Felix smiled.

"Or like a dove", Chester said.

"They are not made out of snow and they are definitely not birds", Vellanja huffed looking at them.

"We know that", Chester snapped.

"Found one!" they suddenly heard a yell and looked at the stairs.

They saw Grey appearing on top of the stairs, holding a white dragonfly on his hand.

"I found one too! It was in the library behind books", Lucy exclaimed as she appeared from the hallway.

"I wanna find one too!" they heard Natsu's roar inside the chimney.

"So this means something is definitely going on", Erza frowned as she appeared, holding a white dragonfly on her finger. "This one was in the office."

"I knew it", Gajeel grunted and they were gathering back in the hall. "That odd white colour and this feeling they radiate, I knew I've seen it somewhere before."

"Where?" Erza asked and they put the dragonflies on the table with others.

"They have the same feeling as certain white scissors that almost cut me in half", Gajeel growled and they all immediately knew who he was talking about. "Yeah, those bugs belong to Yuidose."

"But how? And why?" Lucy asked confused. "Why would Yuidose send dragonflies here?"

"To spy?" Freed suggested. "Since he doesn't have Ketkel anymore. Maybe he's trying to find a way how to silence him?"

"But with bugs?" Gajeel snorted. "I could crush them with my thumb."

Levy hummed and she was clearly thinking something.

"Maybe... Just maybe", she said. "I have heard some myths about dragonflies..."


"Even though many connect dragonflies to summer, warmth and things like that, they aren't always considered as something that harmless. In many places dragonflies are also called devil's mounts", Levy said and they shivered.

"I can never look dragonflies the same way again..." Bickslow muttered. "So they're like messengers or something? They bring bad news?"

"I guess they can be thought as something like that too", Levy nodded. "They also say that dragonflies are actually souls that have come back to bring messages if something really bad is about to happen."

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