Chapter 94

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Freed woke up in the morning, looking at the clock.

"Laxus", he whispered when turning towards the blond. "It's already nine, we should get up."

"Don't want to", Laxus grunted not opening his eyes. He had a few drinks during the night but not enough to cause him a hangover. He was just feeling tired.

"I'm sure Felix is already up, we can't make Roscoe watch after him the whole morning", Freed chuckled.

"Sure we can, let's just not get up yet", Laxus said wrapping his arm around his husband and pulled him closer. "See? It's this simple."

"We need to go talk with Master Bob", Freed reminded amused. "And go back home. If everything goes fine, we can get back to Magnolia by the evening."

Laxus huffed and he brushed his face with his hand with a small groan. Freed smiled and kissed him gently.

"Fine, I'm awake", Laxus finally grunted and opened his eyes, looking at the rune mage. "Feeling okay?" he asked.

"Yes actually", Freed nodded and he sat up. "And it surprised me."

"Don't push yourself", Laxus said as he sat up and gently kissed Freed's neck. "We can wait a moment."

"I'm alright", Freed assured, patting Laxus' hand. "I want to go see how Felix is doing anyway", he said and got up from the bed, heading towards the bathroom to take a shower.

After a while, when they were both ready, they left the room and could hear voices from the big living room that was meant for the guild members and their guests to relax together. Freed and Laxus walked in seeing Felix, Chester and Theophilius already awake and with Bickslow and Roscoe. Bickslow was amusing them by tossing around some bottles while making them juice to drink.

"Good morning", Freed said as they came to the bar counter.

"Morning mama", Felix smiled. "Dad is awake too."

"Yeah", Laxus grunted and he sat down on a lounge chair near the counter.

"So what can I get to you guys?" Bickslow smirked.

"I'll take tea and I think Laxus wants to have a big mug of coffee", Freed smiled and he sat down beside Felix.

"I don't really understand why people have so many bottles with weird drinks assembled like that, but it is really funny to see Bickslow tossing them around", Theophilius giggled while holding a coconut cup which had a straw and a little paper umbrella. He was sitting on the counter and looking at Chester who as behind the counter with Bickslow.

"Chester wanted to learn that too", Felix said to Freed.

"I see", Freed said amused. "Well in that case, could you make me some iced tea?"

"What kind?" Chester asked.

"You can surprise me."

"Okay", Chester nodded and he looked at Bickslow.

"You can use these glasses", the seith mage said, showing the tall glasses and step by step Chester managed to make a basic herbal tea with ice and a slice of lemon.

He set the glass on top of Pippi who giggled and flew over to Freed.

"Thank you", he said taking the glass and took a sip. "This is quite good", he praised and Chester blushed slightly, muttering something.

"Make me a big cup of black coffee", Laxus said.

"That's easy", Chester said and he went to pour some coffee in the biggest mug he could find and then let Peppe to bring it over for Laxus. "Just the way I like it", the Thunder God smirked taking the mug.

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