Chapter 87

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I know, I'm slipping with the schedule ^^' It's not because I'm losing my interest to write this story, but because I've been playing waaaaaaaaayyyy too much sims 4 lately x'D I can't help it, I'm weak, I can't resist that game T^T

Thank you for all the votes, reading this story and especially comments! They always make me smile! ^^


Freed sighed closing the bathroom door and he looked out from the window. It was still early, the sun was hardly rising yet. If he was quick, he might still be able to sleep for an hour or two.

Who was he kidding? Of course he couldn't sleep anymore since he got up and it was already getting bright outside. He just huffed, buttoning up his shirt properly and walked down the hallway and stairs.

The whole guild couldn't possibly stay over in Roxanne's old house, so only Thunder Legion, Roscoe, Cana, Mirajane, Lisanna and Elfman stayed over. Rest of them had found other places where to stay, even though Bickslow had offered that they could all put mattresses on the floor in the bookshop and have a slumber party together. Not all of them were that excited about the idea.

Freed clicked lights on in the kitchen and lifted his eyebrows when he saw Bickslow sitting by the table. His visor was lying on the table and the man itself was snoring on his chair.

"Good morning, Bicks", Freed said clearing his throat and Bickslow jolted, opening his eyes and looked around. "Was your bed too uncomfortable to sleep on?" Freed asked amused and took a kettle to start make some coffee and tea.

"Damn, I didn't even notice I fell asleep", Bickslow groaned rubbing his face. "If Cana asks, I woke up early and came down to help you."

Freed chuckled and silence landed in the kitchen, except a few clinks while the rune mage prepared their beverages. Soon he sat down and landed a cup of coffee in front of his old friend.

"So why were you up?" Freed asked stirring sugar in his tea.

"I could ask the same question, baby", Bickslow smirked.

"I had to throw up."

"Morning sickness must be a pain in the ass."

"Can't argue with that. Let's just hope it won't last as long as it lasted with Felix. Are you worried about something?" Freed asked.

"More like I was mad", Bickslow huffed leaning back with his chair, staring at the ceiling. "Couldn't really sleep, was just tossing around so I though might as well come down here before I might wake up Cana and Chester."

"Were you thinking about Yuidose?" Freed guessed and he could see how Bickslow clenched his jaw. "Roscoe was talking with Laxus yesterday about him."

"Let me guess, he wants to go and find him?"

"You're right. He asked Laxus to erase his mark."

"What? That's insane", Bickslow said straightening his back and looking at Freed surprised. "I know he's angry, I'm angry too, but I didn't think he would plan something like that."

"Are you telling me you haven't thought it even once in this past week?" Freed asked, locking his turquoise eyes with Bickslow's red ones and the seith mage lowered his gaze.

"No, I guess I can't say that, baby", he muttered.

"We were worried", Freed said. "We talked about it with Cana and others. We had to consider the possibility that you and Roscoe might do something stupid. Yuidose hurt you two deeply by taking Madam Roxanne away from you. He already did that with your mother once."

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