Chapter 96

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Making plans quickly turned into just hanging out and having fun after they had decided all the mages who came to their aid would leave to Naava Town in next morning. It was a rare moment when they could hang out together and Freed smiled when looking at his guild mates while leaning against the bar counter.

"Thank you, Mira", he said when Mirajane brought him a cup of tea.

"You're welcome, Freed", Mirajane smiled. "It's so lively here again, don't you think? If only Yuidose and his men weren't plotting to attack somewhere..."

"We will catch him", Freed assured. "And everything will be back to normal again. At least for a while. I've come to notice that things like these always happen when there has been peaceful time for a few years."

"That might be true", Mirajane chuckled. "So where's Laxus?"

"On the second floor at furthest corner lying on a couch. He says it's to loud here, yet when I suggest he could stay in the office, he declines. He wants to be alone without being alone."

"That sounds like Laxus. Tell me if you need anything."

"I will", Freed nodded, took his cup of tea and went to stairs.

He climbed up on the second floor, walked past some tables where a few of their guild mates were talking to each other and he walked to the other side of the big balcony. It was probably the quietest place in the guild hall and Laxus and the Thunder Legion favored this place because of that reason. But for now, there was only Laxus who was lying on a long couch which was against the wall, hardly even paying attention when Freed was coming closer.

"I told you to go to the office if you want to sleep", the rune mage reminded and he put his teacup on the small side table next to the couch.

Laxus just grumbled, not opening his eyes but he moved himself so Freed could sit down. When he was seated, the Thunder God laid his head on his lap.

"I'm not trying to sleep", he grunted. "I'm just being lazy."

"I can see that", Freed said taking his cup again, while his other hand gently touched the soft blond hair. "Felix thought you were sleeping."

"I noticed. He took my coat."

"They're having so much fun", Freed chuckled when looking down. Felix was carrying the huge coat over his shoulders, though it made him mostly just stumble over all the time. Chester on the other hand had Bickslow's visor, trying to see something behind it and Vellanja had Gajeel's gloves, even though they were too big for her.

Laxus smirked slightly.

"Yeah, I watched them", he said. "They can play tonight as much as they want, tomorrow will probably be scary for them."


"Once we find out where Yuidose is, we're going after him. Except you, Levy and the kids of course. Gramps will stay will you guys and depending where Yuidose is, we'll decide where you will go so it's safe."

Freed looked down and this time he met the orange eyes staring at him. They had that adamant glare which told Freed Laxus would not give in with this. He huffed.

"I assume that's your final word?" he asked.

"I'm glad you noticed that."

"So is your plan to leave right away when Ketkel tells us what he knows?"

"As soon as possible."

"And what if he doesn't know where Yuidose is?"

"Dunno, we'll figure out something."

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