Chapter 22

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After some rest the game continued again, but this time Felix and Chester decided they didn't want to play more. It was too long, mostly boring and even though they didn't want to admit it, it was also too scary. They could never know when someone might appear and all the adults were too... Well, adults! They didn't really have much chances to fight against them no matter how much they wanted!

So instead of playing the game, they stayed near the camp while all the adults went back to the forest inside the rune trap. Since Fairy Tail was now short one member, one of Bickslow's dolls were called to help them.

"This is just a game but they all take it so seriously", Chester huffed sitting on a big rock, near a tiny stream.

"They don't even know what's the price for those who win", Felix said. "Or what will happen if you lose."

"Adults can be sometimes really stupid", Chester decided and Felix nodded agreeingly. "So what are we going to do?" he asked looking around. There were this and that random camp stuff, mostly just plates and cups, a first aid kit, few blankets just in case if they wanted to sleep some more... But nothing really interesting.

"I don't know, we can go only so far that we can still see the camp", Felix said plucking some funny looking flowers from the ground. The area where they were was a nice place where to camp, as it was a moderately large meadow with a clean little stream going through it.

But there wasn't really anything for them to do. The stream was so small and cold they couldn't try swimming even if they would have a permission to do it. There might be some fish, but they didn't have anything what to use so they could catch them.

Chester stood up and hopped down from the rock.

"I want to go see what's over there", he said pointing towards the other side of the meadow.

"It's pretty far", Felix said as he got up on his feet as well.

"But we can still see the camp, right? If we can see there from here, we can see the camp when we are there?"

"I guess so..." Felix had to agree. He was a little bit worried, but also excited. And if they could see the camp, it was alright.

Chester smiled and nodded so they started their journey across the meadow, looking around while doing so. They saw few birds and lots of grasshoppers, but not really anything else. In the end, it wasn't that much of an exploration as Felix had hoped when they finally arrived at the other end of the meadow. But at least they had done it, so now they knew what there were at this side.

"It looks like the camp is so far away", the blond haired boy said looking back.

"We can still see it", Chester assured. "So no need to worry. What do you want to do now?"

"We could have our own game", Felix smiled. "I noticed there are lots of grasshoppers and other bugs! Let's see who can find the biggest bug!"

"I've never collected bugs", Chester said and he sneered. "Aren't they gross?"

"No, they are just bugs. But watch out for wasps, they are really annoying", Felix said and he snickered. "Mama hates beetles. I think they are awesome! Especially the big ones with horns!"


"We go collecting bugs with Vellanja all the time in Magnolia", Felix smiled and he started to look around the surrounding grounds.

"Who's that?" Chester asked and he was not at all as excited to find bugs, but he did so anyway.

"She's from our guild, she's as old as I am. Her father is a dragon slayer too, an iron dragon slayer."

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