Chapter 3

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Roxanne stood at the porch of her house and watched what all was happening. She had seen a lot in her time already, but this was probably one of the most terrible things yet. It was harsh to have to just watch how her own hometown was attacked and was now burning down.

"Madam, we should go", Kvestor said worried, holding a bag where they had hurriedly packed some of the most precious things from the house. "The fire is spreading and we can never know where the next meteor might hit."

"You're right, Kvestor", Roxanne sighed leaning against her cane. "But it's not an easy task to leave this old house just like that. It has been in our family for so long, it's like leaving behind a family member."

"I understand, Madam. But we can't stay."

Roxanne sighed again but said nothing, she just couldn't move yet. They heard another three explosions as meteors destroyed the town and the ground shook, making the old house tremble and creak dangerously.

The old woman suddenly raised her head when she heard familiar voices. She was surprised when she saw Bickslow and Laxus, both heading towards the house.

"Bickslow! Mr. Dreyar!" Kvestor shouted both surprised and happy.

"Granny! Are you alright?" Bickslow asked as they finally reached the porch.

"We are alright, Cookie", Roxanne smiled. "And Honeycomb too, it's nice to see you two again though I wish it would have been a better time. But why are you here?"

"Roscoe called us and told someone was attacking Naava Town", Laxus said. "So we came here. Rest of the Guild will come soon too."

"That is a relief to hear, kids."

"You better leave this place too, Granny", Bickslow said. "Can Kvestor fly you away?"

"I've been trying to tell that to Madam for a while, but she just doesn't want to leave", Kvestor sighed.

"You have to leave", Laxus grunted. "We saw how bad the destruction was, it's highly possible this town won't survive it. We just have to try and save as many people as we possibly can. Freed, Mest and Ever are already evacuating them."

"Roscoe is doing that too", Roxanne said.

"Where is he right now?" Bickslow asked.

"He should be at the west part of the town. This town has underground tunnels so they are using them to evacuate, but not everyone can use them at the same time and only few of them lead out of the town."

"I should have guessed this town has something like that since you have a damn library build inside the mountain..." Laxus grumbled.

"One is coming down!" Kvestor suddenly screamed when he saw the fiery rock that was falling almost straight towards them.

Laxus grunted gathering his magic and unleashed a strong beam of lightning, hitting the meteor that shattered into tiny pieces.

"You guys can't stay here any longer", he said to Roxanne and Kvestor. "We'll take you to Roscoe and then we go search more who the hell is causing this all."

"Let's go, Granny", Bickslow said and Roxanne sighed, but nodded finally.

Freed used his rune walls to prevent fires spreading more. He made sure there were streets which people could use to escape. Ever was keeping an eye for the meteors and Mest was using his teleportation skills to help people get out as well.

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