Chapter 23

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Hello! I managed to get this chapter done so I wanted to post it immediately, I hope you all enjoy it ^^ I'll try to give you a new chapter for next week around Wednesday or Thursday, or even earlier if I get enough time to write it down.

Anyway, have fun and thank you for all the comments, votes and reading this story!


Felix looked at the huge building. It was amazing! It looked even bigger than he had thought! The great palace Mercurius stood silently on its place in the middle of Crocus and there were constantly people walking in and out.

But their tiny group wasn't going to the main gate and it was kinda bummer. Felix would have loved to see how the palace looked like inside those great walls. Instead, they were heading down in some weird place just beside the palace. There were huge gates made out of iron and all the time guards walked around.

"Where are we going?" Felix asked confused looking at Laxus, sitting on his shoulders.

"Under the palace", the big man grunted and he was obviously tense. He just didn't like this. He had a feeling that something might happen.

"Oh, wow. Is there a dungeon or something?"

"Yes", Freed nodded.

"Are we going in prison?" Felix shouted surprised and even worried.

"No one's going to lock us up", Freed chuckled and they waited their turn while guards were going through all the papers necessary. "We are going there to meet someone."

"Oh... But why didn't we take others?"

"Because this is a family matter", Laxus explained. "Though I still don't understand why we took Felix with us", he grunted looking at Freed.

"I understand you don't like this", Freed said. "But it's not like he can do anything. He's an old man who will live in a prison for the rest of his life, I just thought maybe letting him meet Felix is not that bad idea. Who knows how long he might even live anymore."

"I kinda understand what you mean, but I'm just worried", the lightning dragon slayer grunted.

"Who is he?" Felix asked curiously.

"He is my grandfather, your great-grandfather like Makarov", Freed explained to his son. "His name is Lucados. He might look a little bit scary, but he can't do anything. And you don't need to care what he says."

"Why is he in prison?" Felix asked now surprised and the gates were opened for them and few mage guards accompanied them to the dark hallway under the Mercurius.

"He's a bad man", Laxus said. "You don't need to know more right now."

They walked down the stairs for a long while. There were no windows and the light was dim. They passed many heavy doors that obviously led to different levels of the prison, but the one they were heading towards was a lot lower than these.

After a while more they finally stopped and the guard muttered some spells. Big magic circles appeared on the door, they heard loud clicks and crumbling like something heavy was moved. Felix looked down the spiralling stairs that continued even lower and he wondered what kind of prisoners there might be. The door let out a final click and opened so they could step inside.

The hallway was more lighted now and in a wall at the other side there were cells. There were few meters space between every cell and Laxus could guess it was because every cell was covered with magic sealing stones and probably iron that had been strengthened with many spells.

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