Chapter 69

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In the next morning Freed was surprised since when he woke up, Laxus had already gotten up before him. It made him slightly confused but also a bit alarmed. There was no need for Laxus to go to the guild so why was he up so early? Considering how long they were at the guild last night and Laxus had been drinking, he should have a hangover today.

He stood up and after bathroom he changed his clothes, stepping out of their bedroom. When peeking in Felix's room he saw the boy still sleeping and Theophilius was muttering something in his tiny box on top of the wardrobe. He shut the door and went downstairs, starting to make breakfast. Maybe something had happened and Laxus was needed at the guild?

Only moments later Freed heard how the backdoor was opened and slammed shut. Soon Laxus stepped in the kitchen and he sure did look like he had a hangover, his eyes all red and skin pale and sweaty, but something else must have happened as well.

"Good morning", Freed said and Laxus grunted something, sitting down on a chair. "So what happened?" the rune mage asked turning to look at his husband who looked angry.

"Someone broke in to the guild house after everyone had left", he growled.

"Broke in? To our guild?" Freed asked surprised and Laxus nodded. "Oh no, don't tell me..."

"Yep. Ichabod is gone", Laxus said and Freed's eyes widened.

"But his room was secured", he said.

"I know that."

Freed sighed and he leaned against the counter behind him, trying to think what might have happened.

"It's easy to figure it has to be Yuidose", he said and Laxus nodded.

"Yeah, that's what Gramps said too", the lightning dragon slayer grumbled, fetching a soda can from the fridge. "Fuck my head hurts."

"You should drink less, you're almost thirty already. Your body can't handle hangovers like it used to and it's not good for you anyway no matter how old you are."

"I love you but stop nagging, babe."

"I just want you to take better care of yourself, Honeycomb", Freed chuckled and Laxus groaned rubbing his forehead. "So Makarov called you and you were talking with him outside."

"Didn't want Felix to hear and get scared. He thinks our guild house is the most secure place in the whole world and even if sometimes it might get a bit wrecked, it's safe."

"That's true", Freed nodded and he frowned. "You don't think Moritz might have done something to get Ichabod out?"

"That guy's a beast, he would have destroyed more than just a few locks to get in", Laxus grunted.

"It might be Humphrey too, or Yuidose himself."

"Whoever did it, they knew where that bastard was. Ichabod couldn't get out by himself. Also, Gramps said they must have a reason why they bothered to carry him out and didn't just kill him there. It would be so much easier for them to just kill him there."

"I take that as you and Makarov have come to a conclusion what I've been thinking for a while already", Freed said with a serious tone.

"I'm pretty sure", Laxus growled and that was what made him so angry. "It's someone from the guild or someone who knows our guild good enough to know where Ichabod was held to recover."

Silence landed in the kitchen. That was not something they wanted to consider, but they really didn't have any other choice anymore.

"Anyway, Gramps called us to come over", Laxus said and he got up, leaving the empty can on the table. "I'm gonna take a shower, you call Bickslow that we'll drop Felix and Theo at their place. Erza will come too, we're gonna keep this between us four for now."

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