Chapter 53

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Early in the next morning they woke up, packed up their camp and just when the sun was letting out first rays to warm up the dark forest, they all said goodbyes to the old mage who waved his hand for them as they started their journey back to Ginkgo. Baluhu smiled when seeing how four mages got up in the air, secretly happy that he was alone again. It was nice to have visitors sometimes, but he was more happy when they left.

"Well! Time to go to bed then!" he guffawed and returned back to his own little cottage, closing the door behind him.

Freed enjoyed the morning breeze that hit his face as he was flying just beside Laxus. Felix and Chester weren't even cranky because they had to wake up so early again, both boys were absolutely thrilled to get to fly again.

"Look at me, I'm flying!" Theophilius laughed when he was holding onto Felix, who was holding onto Laxus.

"This just doesn't feel right at all", Roscoe grunted as he was holding onto Bickslow and the tiki dolls giggled.

"You can always grow your own pair of wings to fly", Evergreen chuckled, carrying Chester on her back.

"Right now I really wish I could do that..."

"It's not that bad, baby", Bickslow snickered.

"We'll be at Ginkgo soon", Freed chuckled and with a little burst they increased their speed, making the sand under them whirl.

Not that long time later they all landed again on the sand, just beside the stairs they had used earlier. Now they headed back up to the town and Evergreen was already excited what all she would buy once they had returned their camping gears.

Theophilius was slightly nervous. This was the first time he was actually going to a town full of humans. He knew there were all kinds of humans and he didn't hold a grudge against them even though he had been captured. There were also quirlats who were total assholes so humans weren't really that much different of them.

But when they stepped on the busy street, Theo was quick to hide under Freed's long green hair, peeking carefully around with his big golden eyes.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen as long as you won't cause anything bad", the rune mage assured to their scared new companion.

"It's not like I'm a coward, I'm just being really careful", Theo growled and others laughed. He just muttered something annoyed, but stayed under the green hair and just looked around as they kept walking.

It wasn't only scary, this was really interesting as well. So this was how humans lived in big towns? In his eyes it really was a big place and he liked how far it was from water. He didn't really like water. It was so wet and made his fur sticky and if he happened to fall in water, he couldn't get back on his wings just like that.

His pink nose was quivering as he sniffed the air. Quirlats didn't have a really good sense of smell, but he could hear all kinds of things all around. Of course he could, he was a bat after all.

"We should go buy fruits from the market", Felix smiled. "I bet there are lots of fruits Theo would like to eat."

"Yeah, let's do that", Bickslow smirked. "Let's get some good breakfast!"

"Are there lots of fruits growing around here?" Theo asked curiously as they walked up another set of stairs.

"Yeah! There are huge amounts of fruit trees around here!" Felix explained to him.

"No just fruits, but berries too", Chester nodded.

"Ooh! I do like berries!"

"I have heard there are lots of very unique berry trees growing all around Seven", Freed said and they made some room for carts that were pulled by strong looking bulls. "And they grow all around the year."

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