Chapter 51

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"Are you sure we should go this way?" Evergreen asked when the silver quirlat once again flew down to them.

"I know I saw one somewhere here", Theophilius said and he landed to sit on Freed's head.

"They can move, it might not be here anymore", Roscoe reminded.

"I saw how they move! There's no way it can get far even in one day", Theophilius huffed crossing his wings. "Believe me, it is here somewhere."

"Fine, sure, whatever."

"I'm doing my best to help you, but I can't help you if you don't trust me."

"We trust you", Felix assured with a big smile. "You can find that thing, Theo!"

"Theo, I like that", Theophilius smirked. "Okay! I'll go check again!" he said and flew up again.

They started walking, trying to keep their eyes open for even something. Suddenly Roscoe stopped and he looked at the ground.

"Something big went past here", he frowned looking at the trails. Freed noticed it too, there were big imprints on the ground, like something heavy hit it. "It's not like the other trails we have seen until now. These might actually be made by a kalma-mound walking past here."

"Nice job, baby", Bickslow grinned. "So which way should we go to?"

"It looks like it went that way, it has broken some branches while it moved. It seems like it's at least few feet taller than any of us according to how high those branches are."

"Guess we have no choice but to go and see if it's the right thing", Laxus grunted and they followed after Roscoe.

They walked for a while, when suddenly Laxus sniffed the air and sneered.

"Eww! Something smells bad!" Felix shouted covering his nose.

Freed sniffed too and he smelled a faint scent, it was like something was rotting.

"I found it!" they heard a shout from above and looked up at Theophilius. "It's right ahead! And it's a BIG one! Follow me!"

They followed after the silver quirlat who flew from tree to tree while leading them towards the creature. They walked up on top of a little hill and there they could see lots of marks as something big and heavy had fallen down the other side of it which was much more steep.

Down there, at a small little opening they saw the kalma-mound. That had to be it. It was big and standing on six "legs" made out of long branches. The round body was fully covered with big pieces of rotting wood, moss, twigs, shrubs, obviously anything from the ground. There were even some flowers growing on top of its back.

The "head" was hanging almost on the ground and it looked like made out of a piece of stump. Its roots pointed up like antlers, making the whole creature look a little bit like a moose with six legs.

"It's... Creepy", Evergreen shuddered. "Did it fall down? And it's still in one piece?"

"It might be far more sturdy than it looks like at first", Freed said.

"What are we going to do now?" Chester asked and Theo landed down as well.

"I'm not going near that thing", the quirlat reminded.

"You don't have to, neither will Felix and Chester", the rune mage said.

"Aren't you forgetting a certain someone?" Laxus said lifting his eyebrows. "Someone has to stay with them anyway."

"I could use my runes and make sure it can't get away", Freed reminded and he knew very well that Laxus was talking about him.

"There's four of us, I'm an S-class wizard, that thing won't take more than two steps in an hour, I don't think it can get away from us", Laxus snorted. "You're gonna stay here, Freed."

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