Chapter 17

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I had some free time and nothing else to do, so here's an extra chapter for this week ^^ And next week is going to be really busy so chapter 18 might come out later. Thanks for reading this story and giving comments and votes! I love you my cute little marshmallows!


Freed walked around without hurry and did his best not to let out any noise from his steps. They didn't know where Sabertooth's home base was, just like they didn't know where Fairy Tail's home base was. They just had to walk around and wish they could find Rufus' hat before they could find Bickslow's visor.

Sudden snap caused by a dry stick made him stop and he frowned. He didn't see anyone, but obviously there was someone nearby. If he wasn't mistaken, the noise came from pretty close by and he took a little bit distance from bushes.

If it was Orga, he might be in serious trouble. Since they couldn't use any magic, he was pretty sure he had a chance against others but Orga was definitely the biggest threat right now. But was Orga able to move that silently? Quickly Freed shook his head. He should not make the mistake and underestimate his opponents, especially in these kinds of situations when they might encounter skills they wouldn't normally see them use.

"I was hoping it was you", he suddenly heard a voice almost right behind him.

Freed spun around and hopped further, locking his eyes towards Rogue.

"I should have known you know how to move silently as a shadow even without magic", he chuckled, taking better footing from the ground and ready to either block or attack, whatever it was Rogue would do.

The raven haired mage smiled with his own small smile and stepped out properly from behind the tree.

"Well, I guess I was just lucky", he said humbly. "I did not really trust that I could surprise you."

It wasn't like they really even knew each other very well, but somehow they always enjoyed each other's company when they had a chance to talk. They were both calm and tactical by nature, and they enjoyed more watching what others did than wanting to join in the occassion.

Freed frowned slightly when Rogue didn't seem to plan attacking, instead he looked around, maybe to make sure there was no others.

"I don't break my own rules", Freed said. "I walk alone while searching your flag and if I encounter someone, I will take them down by myself."

"I know", Rogue nodded. "I didn't mean to doubt that. Truth is, I was really hoping I could encounter you."

"Is that so?"

"Actually, I wanted to talk with you", Rogue explained and Freed let himself relax a little bit. "I know we're in the middle of a game, but it is really hard to find an opportunity to talk with you without making others suspicious."

"I get your point", the rune mage nodded. Laxus would definitely get suspicious and most likely jealous if he said he would meet up with Rogue alone. And he had a hunch that Sting wasn't that much different. "I understand. This must be really important for you."

"You're the only one who I can talk with about it", Rogue said and Freed nodded.

He lifted his finger and runes formed in the air around them. As the master of this huge trap, naturally he could use his magic even if it was forbidden by rules. He had the power to do what he wanted with his runes and he could change the rules if he so desired. Not that he would do it just like that and he did not want to break rules, but this was definitely a situation when he simply had to bend his usual traits to help someone.

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