Chapter 30

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Chapter 30! My god, it feels like this story is going so fast yet really nothing has happened yet. I wonder how many chapters there might be in the end... Oh well, as long as you guys are happy with this story and enjoying it, I'm happy too ^^ Thank you for all the support, comments, votes and reading this story my precious little chocolate chip cookies! I love you all! *throws kisses everywhere*


Few days went by really fast when there was so much to do. Freed and Laxus didn't really have time to stay in the guild and just relax even for a while when Evergreen was dragging them along all around the town. It took lots of time but finally they managed to find the right suits, thanks to a tailor who used magic so he could easily make a custom made suit even for Laxus in just two days.

After finding suits there was taking care of their hair. Freed was really enjoying it letting them wash and take care of his green hair, cutting it just enough so all the dry and damaged tips were off. Laxus wasn't that happy with all this, he didn't like it when he had to let someone he didn't know so close to his head with scissors. He just wasn't really fond of these kind of things. For him it would have been just enough to let someone from the guild to cut his hair but Ever insisted that they should go to a professional barber.

When the wedding day arrived, they were both already exhausted because of all the running around and taking care of things. Plus - and Laxus was sure it was just to annoy them – they had to spend the nights separately. Laxus had to sleep in Bickslow's place and Ever slept with Freed and Felix in their house to make sure Laxus wouldn't sneak in. Ever said it was a tradition, Laxus was certain it was just stupid. They had been a couple with Freed for five years already and they had a kid, spending few nights apart didn't magically turn them more chaste or something...

The lightning dragon slayer huffed leaning against the back of his chair as he had finally at least some time to just loiter around. There were still few hours before the ceremony would start and of course it was Makarov who would do all the rambling and stuff, whatever there was in a wedding ceremony. Why couldn't it just be something really simple? Do you take this man as your husband? Yes. And you? Yes. Okay, got it. Now you may kiss, go home and have fun!

Laxus slightly chuckled when imagining it. If only it could be that simple. At least they had said it many times to Makarov that he had to keep the ceremony as short as possible. There was just no way the old man would keep it that short...

"Man, I didn't really believe we would actually be able to pull this thing off", Bickslow grinned sitting next to Laxus. He was wearing a smart looking blue suit and had even left out his visor. They had arrived at the guild some time ago, sitting on a second floor because according to Ever they wouldn't be on the way if they were there.

"I had my doubts as well", Laxus nodded. He had absolutely refused to wear anything too outstanding so his dark suit was rather simple yet it was obviously elegant. It looked pretty damn good on him, he had to admit it. "But well, we know that when Ever has that look in her eyes, there's nothing that will stop her."

"Yeah", Bickslow smirked. "Well, say what you want but I'm glad the wedding happens now, baby."

"Huh? It's not like there wouldn't have been time even after helping Naava Town."

"Dunno. We can't know what all might happen."

"Don't say such ominous things, Bicks."

"Sorry, baby. Let's just be happy that this day actually came", Bickslow cackled. "For a moment we thought it might be again delayed for another four years."

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