Chapter 81

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Freed kept his runes up and tried to see what was happening around the ship. Laxus and Humphrey were both fighting somewhere up in the clouds that had now reached them. Cold water dripped down Freed's face as the rain was pouring heavily and he tried to listen to thunders. He could recognize thunders Laxus made and those which were made by clouds.

Sailors yelled frightened when yet again one meteorite came down crashing, destroying the amethyst icing on the sea. It didn't seem like Humphrey was aiming towards them with his meteors, some of them just happened to fall down near them.

The whole ship creaked loudly and Freed frowned as he got up. He quickly went to the railing and looked down. The quartz was spreading. It was starting to slowly crawl up the side of the ship. Some of the planks had already popped out and more were snapping and crashing as the quartz forced it's way in.

"Get on the deck!" Freed commanded. "Don't stay inside the ship!"

"Why?" someone asked terrified.

"The quartz has broken the bottom of the ship, water is coming in."

"The ship will sink!"

"No! The quartz is supporting us, we won't sink. But the quartz is also spreading inside the ship, so it's safer to stay outside", Freed explained. "Pull yourselves together! We won't survive if we don't stay calm! Pull up those sails so the wind won't tear this ship apart since it can't move!" he said when the long masts were letting out low and ominous creaks.

Maybe the sailors actually did understand what he was trying to say, or then it was just the plain commanding voice which was easy to follow, but they started to work. They climbed up ropes, starting to fold the big sails.

Freed looked aside when he heard a loud noise again. It was the rotting sea serpent which had crashed against the quartz by Moritz, who pulled out the spear from its head. Before the dead creature could get up, he trapped the whole thing inside an amethyst.

Roscoe huffed and he frowned. The sea serpent would get out, but it was not fast enough to fight against Moritz. The problem was, there wasn't any other big carcasses around which were still in a good enough condition that he could use them.

Moritz laughed as he looked at the ship again. Soon he would be there. After that, there was no way that lightning dragon slayer would ignore him! He looked around, seeing Bickslow and Evergreen while Roscoe was standing a bit farther. He smirked and lifted his hand.

"Charged Onyx", he sad and a big amount of dark stones were created around him in the air. "Explosive", he said and a stone after another was thrown to the amethyst ground. They were lit and blasted, the air filled with crashes, dust and fragments of amethyst.

Moritz laughed and he moved his spear and everything was again frozen with quartz. It was like he had created mountains, making it difficult to move around anymore.

"Like hell that's gonna stop us, baby!" Bickslow cackled as he appeared over the mountains with Evergreen.

Moritz tisked. He didn't know his foe could fly, it wasn't mentioned anywhere. But he grinned quickly. Apparently not all of them could fly.

He landed his spear down and it let out a chime as it hit the amethyst under his feet. Maybe the landscape was different, but he would always find his prey. He ignored Bickslow and Evergreen and just listened to the chime. Something was moving and it was big. The sea serpent? No, this one had legs. Another dead sea creature?

Moritz' eyes shot open when he heard a loud screech. Whatever it was, it was coming closer fast and was only behind one of the amethyst mountains. Evergreen and Bickslow seemed surprised looking at the direction.

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