Chapter 29

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In the next day as they arrived at the guild, Felix ran quickly towards Makarov who was sitting on his usual place on the counter accompanied with Roxanne. It had become like a tradition, them to sit together whenever Roxanne was visiting the guild and now that they couldn't live in Naava Town, they were seen on their usual places every day.

"Morning Gramps! Granny!" Felix beamed happily as he hopped on the stool.

"Good morning, Felix", Makarov smiled.

"Don't you look energetic today, Sugarcube", Roxanne cackled sipping her tea. "Did something good happen?"

"Yeah! Can you notice anything different?" Felix grinned widely and Makarov and Roxanne were both confused.

Laxus, Freed and Chester stepped beside the counter as well.

"Erm... Did you get a new shirt?" Makarov asked and Felix pouted.

"Not clothes", he said. "Look closer", he said and Freed and Laxus were amused. Makarov squinted his old eyes and tried to figure out what his great-grandson was meaning but he just couldn't see it.

The old man quickly glanced towards Laxus and Freed for some help and the rune mage pointed towards his cowlicks. Confused because of this Makarov looked back at Felix who was still waiting impatiently when he would notice.

"You mean... Ooh! I see!" he laughed when he realised. Felix's hair was already wild just like Laxus' but now that he looked more closer there really were two tufts that didn't grow like others since they seemed to have a shape of their own. They were still small but no doubt they would grow to look like Freed's hair. "I'm sure they will look really nice."

"I know right!" Felix smirked.

"He's been looking at them in the mirror all morning", Chester huffed. Well, they were kinda neat.

"Jealous", Felix said crossing his arms.

"I'm not."

"You are."

"My hair is just fine the way it is", Chester tisked.

"How are things here?" Freed asked from Makarov and Roxanne as they left Felix and Chester to argue.

"Things are much better", Roxanne smiled. "All the kids are healthy again, Porlyusica gave them a permission to leave the infirmary."

"That's good news", Laxus said sitting down on a stool.

"It is", Makarov nodded. "They are already trying to think how to help Naava Town and how we can catch Humphrey and Ichabod who destroyed it."

"They're such good kids all of them", Roxanne chuckled fondly.

"It's better we don't hurry too much", Laxus said. "Remember what we told you about Naava Town and the moss? We have to be careful, if there's that mold around we can't do a thing there."

"We're aware of that", Roxanne nodded. "But there are already some people who are arranging groups that will go there to find out if it's safe. We can't just wait and do nothing. I asked Porlyusica for help, but she said she can't do a thing before she knows what kind that mold is."

"Bummer", Laxus huffed.

"And the more we wait, the more higher is the chance that there will be mold."

"I guess you're right."

"So have you heard anything about Valdeghar and others, Freed?" Makarov asked.

"I was planning to take contact with them today", Freed said. "I'll try to call them out. Those magic sealing stone bullets made them vanish, but since they do vanish they cannot actually hurt them permanently. They have had time to recover so everything should be fine now."

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