Chapter 107

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The air felt cool and a breeze of wind made the grass rustle. Behind them huge lily pads were slightly waving as they were growing tall like trees. Bubbles of water were floating peacefully under the huge leafs, not disturbed by the small wind.

The red grassy field was now filled with mist and the air was glimmering because of tiny water droplets that were escaping and heading up towards stars.

Even Laxus might've stopped to admire this scene if only they had time for that. He grunted and looked around, making sure they were now all gathering together. Everyone who had been tossed here from Earth Land except the small group they had left behind and the deer centaurs who were lead by Ilanyish.

Laxus huffed. Of course they had said it would be better if the deer centaurs would stay behind, but according to Ilanyish that wasn't an option as this might be their best and only chance to get back their home. Laxus didn't really care. If they were determined to fight then that was fine, but how were they planning to fight against mages?

He turned his head as he heard hooves hit the soft ground.

"After this there will be only grass field", Ilanyish said when looking ahead. "Nothing to eat, nothing to hide behind and nothing to use as a shield. When we go there, our enemy will definitely see us."

"Figures", Laxus grunted.

"For us crossing this is a lot easier, we can run much faster than you humans."

"I take that as a challenge", Jet smirked from somewhere behind them.

"Shut up and don't go running around", Laxus said. "No matter how long it might take we just have to cross that field", he said and turned to look ahead.

He couldn't even see the mountains that were supposed to be behind this red prairie. Between those mountains and this field, there was a forest and inside that forest was a fortress where Ilanyish and his clan used to live and call it their home.

That was where Yuidose was now. Laxus frowned when thinking about it. All this time Yuidose wasn't really even that far away from them. It made him angry that he had let them relax when the enemy was close. Anything could've happened.

Ilanyish looked at the blond haired man who was glaring through the prairie fields.

"We will win this", he assured.

Laxus grunted something and he nodded.

"Let's start walking", he finally said and stepped ahead, the grass rustling. Others started following right after him.

Freed was sitting down with others near the campfire.

"Will dad be okay?" Felix asked a bit worried.

"Of course since daddy is there to help", Vellanja said and she was absolutely sure she was right. "And dad won't let anything bad happen to them, right mom?"

"I'm sure he'll do his best", Levy smiled.

"But he's not as strong as dad", Felix muttered.

"What did you say?" Vellanja asked her red eyes narrowing.

"Dad is the strongest member of Fairy Tail, right mama?" Felix said looking at Freed who was amused. "That's why he's the master."

"Well, he's certainly one of the strongest", he agreed. "But to become a master it doesn't always mean you have to be strongest. We have plenty of really strong mages in our guild."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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