Chapter 85

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Christina flew over the forest, finally arriving at Magnolia. Freed looked at the town and he frowned. He could see that something had happened, but it seemed like the situation was now clear and people were cleaning their town.

"I don't like this, baby", Bickslow said standing next to the rune mage. "It's easy to tell something happened."

"And that something is most probably Yuidose", Freed nodded. "I hope everyone is alright."

"We better go to the guild as soon as possible", Evergreen said and they all agreed.

After a while, when finding a good landing spot for the airship, they were finally on the ground and heading towards their guild house. They were relieved to see it was still there.

"Shit", Laxus grunted when looking at the big sign which was bend and still hold up by sheer miracle.

"At least the house is still standing", Evergreen said patting Laxus' shoulder. As a master, it must be hard to see the guild house damaged even this much. Their own mages tended to destroy the guild house from time to time, but it was completely different when the damage was done by someone else.

None of them liked it.

"We better go find out the situation", Roscoe said and they walked under the bent sign, towards the big front doors.

Laxus opened the doors and they stepped in, seeing their guild mates sitting around. They saw some bandages here and there, but overall it looked like most of them had just minor injuries.

"Mama! Dad!" Felix shouted and Freed and Laxus looked at the boy who ran past the tables. Freed smiled and all the worry disappeared when Felix grabbed a hold of him, hugging him tightly.

"We're happy to see you're okay", he smiled hugging his son back.

"It was awful!" Felix cried. "All those ghosts and everything!"

"What?" Roscoe asked and Chester ran to them as well.

"Yuidose was here!" he said looking at Bickslow. "He was here and now Granny is sick because she used her magic!"

"And Gajeel is hurt too!" Felix sniffled wiping his face.

Cana and Elfman were heading over to them and they both looked worried.

"How's Granny?" Bickslow quickly asked.

"She's resting", Cana said. "I guess everything is fine for now."

"Porlyusica is there to take care of Roxanne and Gajeel", Elfman said. "She said Gajeel should be okay for now, the wound was bad but not fatal and once Wendy comes back with Team Natsu, he'll get better soon. It will leave him with some pretty damn manly scars, though!" he smirked.

"You're an idiot", Evergreen sighed.

"Can we go see Granny?" Roscoe asked looking at Cana.

"It should be okay", the card mage said. "But it's better if not all of us go at once."

"We were planning to eat something anyway", Elfman said. "So you guys go first."

They nodded and headed towards stairs. Chester followed them and Felix didn't want to let go of Freed who just lifted him up with his still functional arm.

"Is anyone else badly hurt?" he asked and Felix shook his head.

"No, others are fine", he mumbled. "Erza is in the infirmary too, but she said it's nothing serious..."

"Yuidose alone wouldn't be able to send both Gajeel and Erza in the infirmary", Laxus grunted.

"So since Humphrey and Moritz were after us, it means Emmett was here with Yuidose", Roscoe said and they stepped in the hallway.

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